I chose Ca...

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Klaus' POV

Last night was the night my amazing daughter killed Marcellus. I am very proud of her. After she killed him we all got drunk even Finn. I decided to go downstairs and make some coffee and breakfast considering we will all have a little bit of a hangover. I made pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, and toast. I made coffee, got Orange Juice and a cup of blood for everyone. I even got deer blood for Stefan. I decided to go wake everyone up. I first went to Finn's room because he hasn't had a hangover in a long time.

"FINN WAKE UP!" i scream.

"Niklaus, what in the bloody hell was that all about" Finn said in an angry sleepy tone.

"Nothing I just thought i would wake you up. By the way i made breakfast."

"Good." He said and got up.

Then I walked over to Elijah's room.

"ELIJAH!" I screamed at him.

"What In bloody hell do you want Niklaus."

"Nothing. I just wanted to tell you i made breakfast."

"I hate you sometimes brother."

"I made waffles and pancakes."

"Ok fine."

Then I went to Rebekah and Freya and did the same thing. Then I went to Hope's room and woke her up gently because she gets scary when you wake her up. Then I woke up Cami and then Caroline. I went downstairs and sat down at the table.

"Nik this is amazing." Rebekah says shoving food in her mouth.

"Thanks sister. Wait are we forgetting someone?"

"Dad, it starts with a K and ends with an Ol."

"Thats right. We forgot Kol." Elijah said

"I'll get him." Hope said and then got out of her chair.


"What the bloody hell was that for." Kol said when Hope and Kol got to the table.

"Its dad's fault he forgot his own Brother."

"Be Quiet and eat." I say at her.

"You forgot about me Nik." Kol said sitting down

"No i just didn't wake you up and then i sat down and then we all started to eat without noticing that you weren't here."

"Whatever, Nik"

"Klaus can I talk to you in private." Caroline said.

"Sure come to the office." I said getting up.

We walked in and we sat down the desk I had in there.

"So it is 5 days until our wedding and i just need to know, Do you still want to get married to me?"

"Caroline of course I want to Marry you. I was gonna tell you and Cami that after breakfast."

"Good" She said and then kissed me.

"I love you Caroline Forbes."

"Its Caroline Mikaelson."

"I like it already." After that we went back to the table and we all sat and eat. We all talked about random stuff and had a great time as a family.

"Everyone i have an announcement to make." I say, "Caroline and I are still going to get married in 5 days."

"WHAT" I heard Cami say

"Listen Cami. I loved you. But you have been dead for years. Even then I have always been in love with Caroline. I'm sorry Cami."

"Not as sorry as you will be." She said and stormed out.

Cami's POV

How could he chose her over me? He will pay. I know what I have to do. I'm going to  turn it off. 

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