Getting to Know Sophia and Game Night

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Hope's POV

We were putting on finishing touches on our outfits When we heard the doorbell.


I'll get it" yelled Kol. That was probably the girl he has been talking about, "Everyone come meet Sophia!" Kol screamed.

"We should go now." I said to the girls, "We don't want Sophia alone with all those boys"

"Ya lets go" Hayley said, "I can't wait for the boys to see us like this."

"Same." Rebekah said.

"Are you sure we didn't over dress?" Caroline said.

"No we're good." I say, "Ok now let's go."

We walked down the stairs and we see our dates. They look at us and smile.

"You look sexy as hell and I can't to see how this dress looks on the floor." Stefan said to me and I blushed and kissed him.

"Remember Stefan, I will kill you. " Dad says, then he looks at Caroline and says, "Even though he said it to my daughter, I agree with him. You look hot Love." Dad said and kissed Caroline.

"Dad remember you are in front of your daughter." I say

"Hope what are you wearing?" Dad asked me.

"A dress." 

"Rebekah why did you let Hope get such a scandals dress?" 

"Because she looks good in it." Rebekah said and I smiled at her. She smiled back and turned back to Enzo. 

After receiving a glare from my dad I look at Sophia and I smiled. 

"Hi i'm Sophie" Said the girl with blonde hair and was wearing a burgundy dress with flats. She looked good. She reminded me of someone but I couldn't think of who.

"Hi I'm Hope. I am Kol's niece, Klaus' daughter." I am trying to get to know her.

"Your Hope. Wow I thought you were a lot younger. How old are you?" she said in a surprise tone

"I'm 21 years old." I said kinda confused, "So out of all the men in New Orleans why Kol?"

"Hope." Kol said.

"Kol" I fired back, "I'm just trying to understand why someone so beautiful would choose you."

"Rebekah come here, talk to Sophia." Kol said and I walked away.

I went up to my dad because I wanted to ask him something. We went into his office so no one would hear us.

"Dad is it me or does she look like someone we know."

"I was thinking that too. I wondering if we do know her."

"Let's talk about his later." I say and we joined the rest of the group.

1 Hour Later

We ate pizza and played a bunch of board games when something hit me. I remembered who Sophia looked like, She looks like my mom. As soon as I thought this I wanted to confirm it. I have a picture my mom in my room.

"Will you please excuse me. I have to use the restroom." I said and I went to my room.

When I got in my room I went to the closet. I have a box of stuff that was my mom's. I haven't looked in it since I was 7 years old. I open the box and see a bunch of stuff. I look through and I see a picture of my mom holding me when I was a baby. This woman looked exactly like Sophia. I had to know if the women down there is my mother. I took the photo and put the rest of the stuff back in the box then I put the box back. I ran down the stairs and I went up to the table of people.

"Why do you look like her?" I say and put down the photo, "Why do you look like my mother?"

"Hope calm down. Your mom died when you were 6 remember." Kol said to me.

"Ya well last time I checked we all are dead. Remember we have all died. Except for me because I was born this way." I said showing my vampire face.

"Hope calm down." Caroline said to me.

"How can I be calm when the girl my uncle is dating looks like my mom. Dad what do you have to say?"

"Sophia, was her middle name. Your Mother's name was Grace Sophia Smith." Dad says.

"Are you my mother?" I asked

"Yes. My name is Grace Sophia Smith. Why do you think I asked you how old are you."

"But how. You died. Why are you so young still, did you turn? Do magic, Kol said you were a witch. Why are you just standing there!" I need answers.

"I am not a vampire i'm a hybrid. I can't do magic." She answered back.

"Get out of my house." Dad said, "We thought you were dead that's better than leaving our 6 year old daughter. So get out. and never come back here."

"Klaus please. Hope? Kol do something." Sophia or Grace or whatever her name is said.

"Get out. I thought you loved me. But no. You just were using me. I can't believe you did that. You left your daughter. You let her think you were dead. So get out and if this isn't clear you and I are so broken up." Kol said and after that she left.

I started to cry. I vamped to my room and locked the door. I just want to be alone. I can't believe my mother was still alive. I don't know what to do.

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now