Our June Wedding (part 2)

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Hope's POV

"Caroline I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"It is.." I said with a pause, then I opened the door.

"Alaric? what are you doing here?" Caroline asked

"Baby Mikaelson invited me. She said you needed someone to walk you down the aisle"

"I know that you mom and your dad died. And then I realized you wouldn't have anyone to walk you down the aisle so I called Alaric. I figured that he was close enough." I said and Caroline hugged me.

"Thank you."

"No problem." We smiled and hugged again. Then I looked at Alaric, "Call me baby Mikaelson again and I will rip your head off your neck" I said and then smiled

"Got it." He said and paused and just looked at me. "You really are just like your dad."

"I know." I smiled. "Ok anyway I'm going to make sure the guys are ready and then this wedding is going to start." With that I left and went to get the guys.

"Let's go you are taking forever." I said snapping my fingers at the boys as the walk behind me. "Ok so dad you are gonna walk in like 10 seconds. Then it'll be me and Elijah, then Bonnie and Kol, then Freya and Finn, and last Rebekah and Stefan. After we walk Alaric will walk Caroline down and sit next to his wife and daughters." (i'm pretending that Jo is still alive. His daughters are also 21.)

"We got it." Everyone said at once.

"Dad walking now!" I semi-yelled at him

"Ok, Ok I'm going." He walked down the aisle. Once he hit the stage Elijah and I walked. After us Bonnie and Kol walked. Then the line went on until everyone turned around to see Caroline and Alaric. Everyone gasped at the sight of Caroline. She was beautiful. 

Klaus' POV

After my pushy daughter got everyone ready, we walked down the aisle. The wedding has started.

After Rebekah and Stefan made it to the stage with the rest of us, I saw the most beautiful thing ever. Caroline was absolutely beautiful. She waked down the aisle never ending our eye contact. Alaric kissed her cheek and handed me her hand.

"You may all be seated." The priest said. "We gather here today..." was all I had listened to. I stopped listening until she told us to do our vows. I went first.

"Caroline Forbes. I love you. I want to be with you forever. Since the first time I saw you I knew I wanted to marry you and be with you for the rest of my immortal life. After that day in the woods, I knew you wanted to be with me. Leaving Mystic Falls was the worst thing I had ever done. I was so happy when you decided to come to New Orleans. It was the second happiest moment of my life. The first was meeting you. I love you Caroline Forbes." I was looking into Caroline's eyes and she started to cry. I wiped the tears away and we smiled.

"Dang so I'm at least number three in the scale of happiest days" Hope said as a joke and I laughed along with the everyone else. I smiled at her and she smiled back. 

"Wow. How am I going to top that." She said as a joke.

"Try your best love"

Caroline's POV

I'm about to burst into tears. The man I love just poured his heart out to me.

"Ok here we go." I said and took a deep breath, "I was a bitch to you when I first met you. I hated how you strolled into town and took over. However, I knew I loved you the first time I saw you. Even though I didn't want to admit it to anyone or myself. You have saved me so many times and I cannot even start to explain how much I love you. I love you so much Niklaus Mikaelson."

We were both about to cry. After what felt like ages, the priest finally said, "Niklaus, you may now kiss your bride."

He picked me up and spun us in a circle and kissed me hard and passionately. Everyone cheered.

"Eww gross. Please remember your daughter is here." Hope said making barfing noises. Everyone laughed.

Hope's POV

"So dad. Where are you taking Caroline for your honeymoon?"

"It's a surprise."

"Whatever Nik." Caroline yelled.

"I love when you call me Nik." I said and kissed her, "I love you Caroline Forbes."

"Excuse me, It's Caroline Mikaelson."

"Ew gross." I said and made barf nosies. "Get a room." I said making barf nosies again.  "Just leave already."

"Bye Hope. I'll see you in 2 weeks."

"Bye Dad. Bye Care"

"Bye" With that They left for their honeymoon.

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now