What Happens in Paris stays in Paris

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Hope's POV
"Hope I got you a present" Kol said coming into my hotel room with a box.

"Should I be scared" I asked Kol because with him you never know what you are gonna get.

"Maybe a little" I opened the box and inside was a red velvet dress, a black chocker, and 'hooker heels' as Kol put it. 

"Kol why the hell did you get me a dress and heels. I already own enough a lot of them?"

"So that you can go to a party and meet a new guy to get your mind off of that traitor and my sister."

"Fine." I glared at Kol and then smiled. "What party, When, and How long do I have to make me look like a hooker"

"4 hours. The Party starts at 11pm"

"Ok. I'll start getting ready." Kol smiled and went to his room, and I showered.

I took a shower and blow-dried my hair. I curled it into large curls. I did light make-up with a dark red lipstick. I put on the dress that Kol got me and the heels. I put on some black lace underwear just in case. I looked at the time and it was 10:15.

"Kol are you ready."

"I've been ready for an hour"

"Your an ass"

"And you actually have an ass."


"You love me. I ran away to Paris with you."

"Oh no you have to be in Paris. What a bummer" We started laughing "So how do I look."

"Hot." He said and I laughed spinning in a circle. "Take a picture and post it so that Stefan can see it"

"What a great idea. here take the picture." Kol took my phone and took a photo of me. I  looked really Hot. I posted it.

"Come on lets go Party!!" Kol yelled. I nodded and we went down to our limo. We pulled up to a club and got out. Kol competed the man at the door to let us in. We got in the club and went straight to the bar. After about a minute and a halfKol was already flirting with some girl. I was on my 3rd drink when a hot and sexy guy came up to me.

"Hi there beautiful. I'm Julian. Can I buy you a drink"

"Well I've already had 3. What's going to make the next one better."

"It would be with me."

"Well then I guess I'll let you get me that drink."

"Hey bartender. Can I get two of what she is having" The bartender brought us our drinks. 

"Do you wanna dance?" I asked Julian and he smiled. It's time to have some fun. 

"Or we could go to my place." With that I texted goodbye to Kol because he already left with the girl he met when we got here. I didn't think he was going to leave with a girl today because him and Bonnie have a thing right now. Maybe he's just gonna feed on her. 

We got in a car and we drove to his place. When we got in the car we started making out. We made it to his place with all of our clothes on. We went inside his apartment and I kicked off my heels. I already took off his tie, jacket, and shirt. My dress was ripped off and he started to kiss up and down my body. Julian picked me up and set me on his bed. I took off his pants and now both of us were in our underwear. He ripped off my lace underwear and bra. I took off his boxers and we had hot sex all night.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hope's POV

I woke up in a bed that I didn't recognize. I then remebered the events that happened last night. I got up to find my stuff. I got ready and left the apartment. I felt a little bad for just leaving but its not like I was ever gonna see him again.

I got a car to pick me up. It took me to the hotel and I got to the room in 5 minutes. Kol was already up and dressed.

"Hey." Kol said and smiled in a cocky way.

"Oh shut up." I already knew what he wanted to say.

"I never said anything."

"But I know you and I know you are gonna say."

"So, did you decide if you wanted to stay for a the rest of the week or do you wanna go home?"

"I wanna go home. I need to talk to Rebekah and Stefan."

"Then home we shall go." With that we packed and we left the hotel. I called dad to let him know we were coming home. 

(D= Klaus H= Hope)


H-hi daddy.  

D-Hope. What's up. How's Paris. 

H-it's good. We decided to come home early. 

D-Hope it's been a day. 

H-i know. But there is something i need to deal with. 

D-ok. See you soon. 

H-ya. see you tonight.

I hung up the phone and got on the plane. It was a long flight. And I needed to come up with a plan for revenge. 

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now