Just Another Day As A Mikaelson

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Klaus' POV

I heard Hope yelling and as soon as i walked into her room i said, "Hope what do you want? CAMI!!!" I was shocked."Cami It can't be you. You died.""Your daughter brought me back. We can finally be together."

"It's a little late Cami. I would Like you to meet my fiancé Caroline." And with that Caroline walks into the room. 

Caroline's POV

"Hi im Caroline, Klaus' fiancé. And who are you?" I was wondering who this random women 

"Im Camille, Klaus's girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend I guess."

"Klaus? are you gonna do something?" I yell at him

"Rebekah lets go and leave these 3 alone." I said with a smile and walked out.

"Im such a great daughter. This will teach my dad to never choose sex over his daughter." I said to Rebekah

"You don't think this was little over the top?"

"No. Not at all. Why? do you?"

"Come on let's go eat." We went downstairs and eat dinner in absolute quiet. Then Dad, Caroline, and Cami came downstairs That's when the silence broke. 

Klaus' POV

"Elijah, Freya, Kol, Finn you remember Cami." I told my family that didn't already know about Cami's return, "Oh and Stefan, this is Cami. Long story."

"I thought she was... I went to her funeral." Elijah said.

"Well there is only one person who can explain all of this." I said and looked at my grinning daughter, "Well Hope, Why did you bring Cami back to life?"

"Well you see. You told me to bring her back remember."

"What? I never told you to do anything." I say getting really angry.

"Yes you did. Yesterday when we were shopping. You left to go to Caroline instead of speeding the day with your daughter. So you know I kinda figured why not bring back another dead girlfriend. You know considering Caroline is dead. But then isn't Cami. Didn't she die a vampire?"

"Yes she did. If she wasn't a vampire she wouldn't be dead. She died of a stronger version of a wolf bite." I told my daughter, "By the way we killed him. We killed him for you Cami." She knew who I was talking about. She looked at me and smiled.

"I'm confused. Klaus? Do you want to fill me in or do you wanna just stand there." Caroline said to me.

"Love," I don't know what to tell her, "You see..."

Hope's POV

"Well you see Caroline, my dad loved someone else after you. And you know what it seems to me like dad has a type. Blonde hair, blue eyes, smart, and stubborn. Cami did you even know that my dad loved Caroline before he loved you. You're just a replica. You look the same, you act the same. So make him choose the Real one or the Replica." I said grinning with joy, "Cami, Caroline, what do you say. Make him choose or choose for him?"

Hope what the hell do you think you're doing. Why are you doing this?" Stefan said to me, "If you do this, I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna break up with you. I'm sorry but I can't do this."

"Stefan. Wait. I love you." I said, "You can't just leave me."

"Well why not? Hope you do understand what you are doing , right? You are ruining your fathers chance of happiness." Stefan said to me.

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now