Before Game Night

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AN: So up top is what they are wearing for game night

Hope's POV

Tonight for family game night we are all getting ready in my room because I have the most stuff. For some reason we always feel the need to get dressed up for family nights. Even if we just watch a movie. Caroline, Rebekah and Freya are all borrowing one of my dresses. Even though Caroline got a bunch of stuff when she went to Paris with dad. She said that she doesn't have anything for tonight.

"So what do you guys wanna wear?" I asked

"I don't know you pick for us." Freya said and Caroline and Rebekah agreed. I went to my closet. I came back with four dresses.

"Ok. Caroline you should borrow my short navy blue dress, with a deep neckline and wear white flats with it. Freya you should wear my light blue dress that has a decorated top with black flats. Rebekah you should wear my pink strappy dress withwhite wedges." I am going to wear a short black romper that has a deep neckline that shows all of my cleavage and lace sleeves. I am wearing it with black strappy heels with a thick heel. Everyone agreed. We got dressed and started to do hair and makeup. Caroline did my hair in large curls. Then she did barely any makeup on me. Only dark red lipstick. Freya and Rebekah straightened their hair and did a little bit more makeup than me. Caroline put her hair up in a ponytail braid will light makeup as well. "Why are we even dressing up this much for a family game night?"

"I don't even know. It's just fun too." Rebekah said

"Ya true that." Freya says.

Stefan's POV

"Oh god the girls are all getting dressed up and we are all in t-shirts and pajama pants." We are screwed if the girls see us.

"He is right. I'm pretty sure we are going to be in trouble." Klaus said.

"What should we do. I'd rather not get yelled at by Hope or Caroline. They are really similar. If you didn't know them, you would think Caroline is Hope's mother." Elijah pointed out.

"Hahaha Klaus is married to his daughter." Kol laughed but then stopped, "Never mind that sounds gross"

"Ya." We all agreed.

"But Elijah is right. If you didn't know hope wasn't Care's daughter. You would think so.  They both have blonde hair, blue eyes, both are stubborn as hell and both are very beautiful." I pointed out "Wait. You and Caroline slept together before you slept with Hope's mom right?" (AN-Just go with it. I know that Klaus slept with Hailey before he slept with Caroline)

"Not that my sex life concerns you but yes I slept with Caroline before I slept with Sophia." Klaus told us with a smug look on his face.

"Maybe Caroline is Hope's mother." Finn says

"How so brother?" Elijah Kol and Klaus said all at once.

"Well I spent time in a witch's body remember. I remember mother talking about a spell to put a vampire and another vampire's blood together to put a baby into a human. Making the human pregnant with the vamps baby." Finn explained.

"So Caroline might be Hope's mother." Everyone in the room asked Finn

"Maybe. We can do a spell to figure it out for real." Finn told us.

"Ok. But after tomorrow. You all know what it is." Klaus said. I looked at him and everyone else. They all sighed.

"What's tomorrow?" I asked

"Hope's birthday." Kol answered.

"Why is that a bad thing. Birthdays are great. How old will she be 22?"

"We don't celebrate Hope's birthday" Finn answered me. 

"Why not?" I asked. 

"It's a long story that we don't have time for. We need to change into nicer clothes" Klaus replied. After that conversation no one talked until a knock was at the door.

"Hurry Up! I'm bored and I want to play games!" Hope yelled. "And you say we take forever to get ready!" We all laughed and left the room. I was still wondering what was so bad about Hope's birthday.

Hope's POV

I yelled at the boys to hurry up. They came out with smiling faces and Stefan stopped to kiss me. We walked downstairs to find dad and Caroline making out. "Dad if you're hungry eat a sandwich not your wife." I said this because it looked like he was devouring Caroline. All they did was laugh and went back to kissing. "Ok two can play that game." I said and started kissing Stefan. He was fighting for his tongue to enter my mouth. I was about the give it to him when dad said, "Hope. It's ok for the father to kiss his wife in front of his child. But it's just gross when the father has to watch his daughter kiss someone he knew in 1920." 

"Dad you suck" I told him.

"And you suck Stefan" He said back and I gasped.

"You are not doing this." Caroline said. I was trying hard to laugh.

"By the way, What the hell are you wearing?" Dad asked and I smiled. I knew he was referring to the romper I was wearing because of how short it was and how much it showed. 

"A romper." I said and walked into the living room.

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now