Mikaelsons V.S. Everyone- Part 2!!

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Klaus' POV

"My daughter is in a coma and we are just sitting here doing nothing."

"Nik. Freya and Bonnie are going over all the Grimoires we have. Ok. We will fix this. Now you need to find Damon." Elijah said trying to calm me down. It wasn't working.

"The thing is that Damon isn't a witch. He has to have someone working with him." I replied.

Then Bonnie walked in. She looked at me and said, "I think I have an idea of one person he is working with."

"Who!?" I yelled

"Tyler Lockwood. He texted me saying he needed my blood to help Elena. I didn't think this was what he meant."

"So Tyler, Damon and a witch." I was about to kill someone.

"Oh and Sophia." Kol said.

"What? You mean Hope's not mom." I said. Then I remember we never told Caroline about Hope being her daughter.

"What do you mean Hope's Not Mom." Caroline said.

"Well you see. Sophia was just carrying my child. But it wasn't hers. My mother had put our baby in a human."

"What do you mean our baby?" Caroline asked

"Well you see. I slept with you in the woods and that's when my mother decided to let you get pregnant. But because your a vampire  you couldn't carry the child. So she put the baby into the next person that I had sex with, which was Sophia." I said and was prepared for Caroline to hit me because I kept this from her.

"Wait. So I have a daughter?" Caroline asked me

"Ya. We had Freya do a spell to conform it." Kol said. I forgot my family was here.

"Does Hope know?" Caroline asked

"Yes. We told her on her birthday." I said

"Oh." Caroline said

"We can talk about that later." Kol said, "My best friend is in a Coma. And I want her out of it. So less talking and more looking."

"Wow Kol. I thought I was your best friend." Bonnie said offended.

"No. Hope is." Kol then started a staring contest with Bonnie.

"Enough!" Finn yelled, "We are going to get Hope out of this coma no matter what."

"Ya about that." Freya came in, "There is only one way and two people in here won't like it."

"What is it?" Kol asked.

"We would have to kill Elena to get Hope back. It's the same thing that happened with me and Elena." Bonnie said, "We can't do that. There has to be another way."

"I'm sorry Bonnie and Caroline. It's the only way." Freya said

"So I'll see you all later I have a doppelgänger and a Salvatore to kill." I said and started to walk towards the door when Caroline vamped in front of me. 

"Klaus. Please don't do this. Elena had nothing to do with it. She is innocent. Plus Damon already lost his brother because of this family. I can't let him lose Elena too. I can't lose Elena again either"

"Caroline you do realize you're asking me to leave my daughter in a coma for 60+ years just so Damon won't have to lose his girlfriend."

"Klaus I know what I'm asking! But I just learned that she is my blood! I don't want to leave her in a coma either! But I can't lose my best friend again!"

"I'm standing right here." Bonnie said.

"My other best friend." Caroline said

"Love, I-I-I can't. You just found out she's your daughter but she's been in my life for the past 22 years"

Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now