Our June Wedding (Part 1-Getting ready)

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AN: Up top is the dress that Caroline wore for the Caroline and Stefan wedding. I wanted to use it because she is actually wearing the dress. So this chapter is getting ready for the wedding and the next chapter is the wedding. Ok now for the chapter.

Hope's POV

Today is the day that my father is going to marry Caroline. I'm excited. I will be the maid of honor. We are gonna start getting ready in about 3 hours. The wedding is a beautiful venue. (season 8, Caroline and Stefan's wedding. Pretend that is this wedding.) I am freaking out, I just want everything to be perfect. 

"Hope come here. I have a present for you." Dad yelled

"Ok coming dad." I walked to his room, "What is it."

"I know you hate your mother because of what she did to you. But this is her necklace. She was wearing it when she gave birth to you. I want you to wear it for my wedding."

"Dad. This is beautiful. I love it. I will wear it."

"Ok now go check on Caroline. I can hear her freaking out"

"Ok daddy. See you in a little." I walked to Kol's room because that's where Bonnie and him were pretending that none of us know they are hooking up. It's been about a week since I found out about them. I actually walked in on them. It was gross. Anyways, I went to Kol's room to get Bonnie then we went to my room were Caroline and her wedding party are getting ready. 

"Caroline I can hear you freaking out." 

"Im sorry. Im just nervous."

"You have nothing to be nervous about." Rebekah chimed in.

"Ya of course. It's not like I'm getting married to the strongest creature on earth with the most enemies."

"True" We all said in unison.

3 hours later

Klaus' POV

I can't believe I am getting married to Caroline Forbes. I have been in love with her since the first time i saw her.

Kol, Finn, Elijah, and Stefan all are in my room to get ready.

"Are you ready Niklaus." Elijah said

"No I am not ready. I am getting married to a girl I have tried to kill more than once"

"It's fine. I've been dead. Killed by baby vampire and her hunter brother." Kol started to complain, "How is Elena anyways. Oh right in a coffin"

"Kol what is your problem" Stefan said

"Nothing. I'm just in a mood."

"Ok we'll be in a different mood." Finn said, "The sooner Niklaus get married the sooner he leaves."

"Oh brother and I thought we were becoming friends again."

"No" Finn says fast.

After that we all just got ready in silence.

Hope's POV

"Ok so it's 30 minutes till I am walking down the aisle." Caroline said starting to pace.

"Lets just get ready and we can be worried later." I said to try and calm down Caroline.

We all got ready while blasting music and singing. We all put our teal dresses on and Caroline put her wedding dress on. We put light makeup and and we were done. It was 5 minutes until Caroline walked down the aisle.

"Caroline i have a surprise for you."

"What is it."

"It is.."


Maid of Honor Dress (Hope):

Bridesmaids (Bonnie, Rebekah, Freya):

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Bridesmaids (Bonnie, Rebekah, Freya):

Bridesmaids (Bonnie, Rebekah, Freya):

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Hope Mikealson: Klaroline and HopeWhere stories live. Discover now