1: Prologue

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This AN is important, please read it before you read the prologue:

Yes, I decided to do a sequel to 'I'm a Mermaid'. I thought it would be fun to put Percy in Mako Mermaids as well, and please just ignore the ages and time differences between the different series, etc.

This AN is mainly to say that before you read, if you're a new reader to this series and haven't read I'm a Mermaid, I would strongly suggest you do read it- this book will contain many spoilers, including in the prologue. 

That's all from me, hopefully I won't write too many ANs, and enjoy reading!

1: Prologue

It's been 10 years since I became a merman, and now I've pretty much perfected all my powers. It's been 9 and a half years since my mom gave birth to a daughter, who she named Estelle. It's been 10 years since I moved to Mako for 6 months with mom and Paul. It's been 10 years since I told my closest friends that I became a merman. It's been 10 years since I decided to pull the plug on the love of my life, who had been put in a coma.

Boy, has it been a long 10 years.

Well, I have a job now. After a new Rome college education, and a couple of years experience, I've become a marine biology teacher. I don't know how I, an ADHD, dyslexic, seaweed brain, managed to do it, but here I am.

As to why I'm going back to Mako- well, a friend of my mom's is the principle of the high school there, and she needed a new Marine biology teacher, so my mom put me forward, and an application, 2 interviews, and a lot of stress later, I managed to get a job there. I wanted this job, because it's time for a new adventure in my life.

So, after 10 years, I'm finally going back to Mako island. I wonder if the mermaids are still there, and I wonder what's changed since I was there. I hope not too much.

Get ready Mako, I'm coming back (I mean this in a completely non-hostile way, I'm not going to hurt anyone there, or do anything stupid, or at least I hope so).

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