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Chapter 15

Mum stood next to me as we watched dad laugh loudly with his close friends. Everyone was happy to finally have him back home after being away for such a long time.

"where's nick" she asks me searching the room for him.

I knew that she was desperate to see him tonight since they have a close friendship and Nick loves talking to my mom probably more than he likes talking to me.

"working late" I stated "he said he will try and get here around 7" I told her. Nick wished that he could've made it earlier but he's so busy working and he needs to be at the office.

Mom will just have to wait.

"William!" we suddenly heard a loud voice echo through the house. Mom and dad simultaneously spun around at the familiar voice. Seeing dads shocked face was enough for my mood to be lifted.

I quickly ran over and linked my arm through his leading him further into the house.

My grandad has always lived in France and rarely likes to travel so for him to be here right now is kind of a big deal. I managed to convince him to come for this celebration and stay a few weeks spending time with us all.

"thank you darling" he said kissing my hair before letting me lead him.

"come here son I've missed you" he said going over to my dad who if I'm not wrong was looking just a little emotional.

If I hadn't seen my dad in a long time, he definitely hadn't seen his own father for even longer.

"your daughter can be very persuading " only because I promised him he could meet nick. Seems like mom has been making it her mission to tell everyone about us. that scares me slightly because I didn't know how serious this could get.

I just winked at dad.

"thank me later" I said cheekily. I decided to go talk to some other guests as they spoke. My eyes kept going to my watch, to my phone and any clock in the house.

I've missed Nick and haven't seen him all week. Nick had to travel to berlin for a meeting with a client, so I wasn't able to bring him lunch this week.

Walking into the more private section of the house I spotted one of my cousins looking nervous. When she spotted me she rushed over? "what's wrong" I immediately asked her. Out of all my cousins she was my favourite. 3 years younger than me but the most mature out of all of us.

"I, she told me not to say anything but I cant just watch this. Nick's here and Carla " she paused adding enphasis on the pause.

My eyes narrowed as I walked passed her. She didn't need to say anymore than that. I quickly smiled at my grandfather before walking through the doors into the office.

Relief, that's what I felt when I saw them two.

Nicks not like any of my exes he won't put up with her silly games.

"it was nice to meet you" Carla said with that stupid smirk on her face. She probably thought I'd blow up in her face. but nothing was happening. The way nick's eyes lit up when I walked in the room was proof of that.

He also looked devilishly handsome. But that's not new.

Nick said nothing and just waited for her to leave. I had to laugh at her surprised face when Nick didn't reply back with the same enthusiasm that she clearly had for him.

Once the door closed behind her, Nick walked over to me pulling me closer. "Hello beautiful, sorry I'm late" he said placing a kiss against my cheek.

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