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Chapter 43

" Nick will you please stop," I say aggravated as I ran up behind Nick. I ripped the bikini set from his large hands.

For the last 10 minutes he has continued to remove the clothes I chose to put in my suitcase. Now I know the reason behind him staying the night before I fly out to Colombia with Hannah.

" There is literally no reason for you to wear such revealing bikini's, who are you trying to impress" he grumbles as he stalks off to the bathroom.

I stared at his back. " myself you fucking idiot, can't I look good for myself" what is it with guys thinking that girls constantly want to do things for the benefit of the opposite sex.

I just want to wear a sexy bikini, hold a gin and tonic and laugh along with my best friend. Is that too much to ask.

"of course you can, but you're too sexy. And I won't be there with you" he sulks as he returns back for the bathroom.

He couldn't be serious. I dropped what I was holding and walked over. My hands around his neck. I leant up on my tiptoes and kissed him tenderly. Nick's arms tightened around me, his face buried in my hair. After our dinner with Hannah and Connor, me and Hannah decided on Columbia as our girls trip.

The boys decided to change their mind and insist that they join but this was strictly a girls trip. I owed Hannah that at the very least. Nick didn't have the luxury to leave his work to keep an eye on his girlfriend. We weren't planning on going to any clubs are crazy parties, we really just wanted to relax, eat good food and probably get drunk in our hotel room.

" I'll behave, Nick, I promise," I said, capturing his lips with mine. Nick leant into the kiss, his hand coming to snake around my waist.

" you better" he mumbles leaning back and placing the bikini back in my hand.

I spent the rest of the morning packing my bag. Nick was going to drive me to the airport before leaving for work.

Jake was speechless when I confirmed to him that I would be taking a few days off from work. He was a little too happy for me to leave the country.

I dragged my suitcase out of the house and towards Nick's car. I made sure to lock the door behind me. Kate had already flown out to Columbia. I wasn't going anywhere without her and she agreed to watch us from a distance and not to intrude on our girls trip.

She was happy about leaving England, she wanted to take in that sun.

We got in the car and started driving. I screamed as Nick slammed on the breaks at the end of the street.

" Nick, are you insane"

He turned to stare at me. " forgetting something" he asks.

"no, " I said simply. I had made sure I had everything. I watched at Nick reached over and popped open the glove box. Revealing the small wallet which Is where I kept my passport.


" oh I was looking for that," I said as I quickly grabbed it and placed it into my bag. From the corner of my eye, I could see him smirk. He knew that I was going to admit my mistake and he was right. I don't know how many times I have forgotten something so important as my passport on other trips.

Nick reached over and grabbed my hand. " how were you going to get on the plane without that"

Was it too much to ask, for him to just ignore the fact that I had forgotten the single most important thing for a trip.

" I really thought it was in my bag," I said as I sunk back into the seat. The slight rumble of his throat was the only thing I heard as he continued to drive. After a while, he moved his hand back to his lap but I didn't want him to let go just yet.

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