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Chapter 17

 "I deserve that, I'm not forcing you to stay I just hope you give me the chance to make it up to you," Nick said.

When I didn't say anything Nick carried on.

"I know that it might sound like an excuse, but I spent most of this evening at the police station, and before you blow me off completely it wasn't about me, but I needed to give statements to officers regarding an employee of mine. I don't, I still don't have my phone"

I widened my eyes. I had never expected him to tell me that was the reason.

"By the time I got out and tried to get in contact with you, it was already too late, I am sorry that you wasted your night, I completely understand why your mad too" Nick carried on as his hand goes behind his neck pressing down.

I followed his movements and I could clearly see that he was tired, anyone could see that.

I pushed my chair out, standing up. I walked over to Nick and pushed my leg between his. His hands instantly touched my skin as I wrapped my fingers around his neck.

I think I surprised both of us when I leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips. "what happened?" I said when I leaned back.

"My assistant manager is being accused of murder, well helping in a murder I was his alibi" I was surprised that he actually told me, normally you're supposed to keep quiet about these things, but it made me realise that he trusted me.

"is that a real alibi or are you helping him" he glared at me his hand tightening around my leg.

"that hurts" he said feigning hurt that I would even suggest that he was helping out a criminal.

I raised my hands up "I had to ask didn't I" he nodded "I know"

"I don't want tonight to end Nick, I dressed up for nothing" I pouted finally sitting on his lap. He rubbed my thighs. "hmm, what do you want to do it's late" he said as I played with his hair.

He was right it was late, there weren't many places open or taking reservations.

"you know what I have any idea, c'mon let's go" he stood up forcing me off his lap. I stared at him as he went to grab a jacket. I was surprised when he came back with another which he wrapped over my shoulders.

"we're walking?" I asked him as we passed his car. I wasn't prepared to walk. First, he leaves me waiting for him and now we're walking to god knows where.

"the place I want to go to isn't far, c'mon plus you look sexy walking in those heels," he said grabbing my hand and bringing up to his lips.

I followed him. I never experienced walking around the city late at night mostly because it's just not safe for women to be walking alone at night.

It was beautiful though.

"I'm sure all the homeless people enjoy it too" I said to him, walking with a little skip in my step. I laughed when he grabbed my waist and brought me to stand in front of him. "you're right" he whispered into my ear walking directly behind me.

Finally, after 10 minutes of walking we arrived. He opened the door for me and let me walk inside.

"30th floor for two" I stared at Nick with an are you serious look. Did I ever tell him I was scared of flight because I'm not comfortable with going that high.

The woman guided us to the nearest elevator putting a pin in.

Nick pushed me into the elevator.

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