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Chapter 50

My fingers slid into my mothers as we sat in the car on our way to the award show. I just witnessed my mother get obsessed over by hairdressers and makeup artists and she struggled to not feel totally overwhelmed by it all.

My father sat opposite us and stared at us both like he was incredibly lucky and I guess when you consider where we were going you would say that he was quite lucky.

" You look beautiful Selly, are you truly my daughter?" Dad said as he leant back. I watched that glimmering look take over his features.

" Unfortunately I am" I mumbled but he heard it. I even felt mom pinch my arm.

When I woke up this morning I felt incredibly lucky as I was in the arms of Nick. Over the week we spent many nights together. We made sure to do a lot more talking and learn a lot more about each other. It was refreshing and weirdly it was like we were just getting to know each other.

Nick made sure to join me for breakfast at a local breakfast restaurant, he brought Hannah and James which made it a lot more enjoyable. Hannah was eager to get back and start getting ready. This award shows need a lot of preparing needed. I knew that first hand but I had help of course.

Ben finally pulled up to venue. He opened the door for us, he helped me out with my long dress. I smiled up at him and kissed his cheek. " after you pick up Justine come find us inside" I said to him.

There was no way that Ben wasn't joining me tonight but first he had to go pick up his very nervous girlfriend who begged me not to come in the car when I first arrived.

"Of course, be careful in there Selene," He said as he stepped back into the car. I closed the door for him as I felt my fathers rough hand grab onto my arm. Nick wanted to be here, next to me but it would turn this into a frenzy. He would be joining us after picking up Olly and his father.

I let my parent's escort me inside. When we reached the main entrance I quickly called over Jake. " I will need to do press first, please make sure my parents get to their seats safely," I said to him. Molly stood beside him in a beautiful Black dress. " of course Selene, if we don't see you before well good luck" she says kissing my cheek.

Jake wishes me luck as well before leaving with my parents.

I slowly made my way through to the carpet where all the press were. I gripped my dress as I made my entrance. As expected the camera's moved to me.

" Selene, Selene over here. Congratulations on your nomination" I heard someone call out to me. I turned and found a woman with a camera guy walk up to me.

I smiled at them, giving them the green light to come and speak to me.

" Thank you, I'm honoured to be here," I said kindly. I wasn't quite sure but she looked relieved at my words.

" This is a big night for business, tell us did you ever imagine that you would be here as a nominee no less," she asks me.

I shift a little on my feet. " well you can already imagine how crazy it is for me to be here as a nominee but I am thankful for the board to even consider me and hopefully I leave tonight a winner in some way or another" I said. I wanted to sound confident but also not too cocky because that would just brand me in a way that I didn't want to be known as.

" We hope so too Selene, well we wish you the best of luck tonight and look forward to your next launch" I watched her lean in for a cheek kiss which I responded to. I was relieved that the interview was very quick so that I could get myself ready.

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