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Chapter 47

The next few days were becoming increasingly difficult. I had been in contact with James on the current condition of Nick's father and also how the boys were getting on.

Nick had messaged me a few times asking me to come and see them all but every time I made an excuse on how I couldn't. Nick hadn't realised how much he hurt me so I didn't think he deserved my support when he knew that I was willing to stay by his side through it all.

But I wasn't going to be mistreated like that.

Jake had left the office a mere half an hour ago after he briefed me on our latest launch. He made sure to invite those men I met on the plane to do a special launch video. I had made sure that I was concentrating on my work but inevitably my mind kept going back to Nick and what he was going through.

I had made my fourth trip to the coffee machine when I stumbled as I walked into the office to find none other than Olly sitting on one of the chairs with a plate of mini cinnamon swirls. I complementary snack for most visitors.

" Hey stranger" he said as soon as he heard me stumble in. I carefully walked through the office and into my desk chair where I saw yet another bouquet of flowers sitting there. I flicked my eyes up to Olly only for him to look back at me with cheesy grin.

" Why is he sending me flowers asking for forgiveness when he doesn't even know why I am mad" I said as pushed the flowers to the side. I didn't bother reading the note.

I heard Olly get up and walk closer. He picked up the note and scanned it and added it to the pile of notes I had from the other flowers that he sent me.

" He's awake you know" Olly mumbled as he traced the white lines on my desk with his finger. At his words my breathing paused and I glanced up at Olly. He seemed relieved as he stared at me.

He took a step back and rocked on the balls of his feet.

" the machines started going crazy this morning and then he opened his eyes. The doctors managed to get him talking and he seems to be good. He hasn't forgotten who we are which was good" he chuckles calmly.

I was instantly relieved. My fingers moved straight to my phone on the book shelf to the right

Only for me to pause as I pressed on Nick's name in my contacts.

" seriously, you're not going to go through with it. You two are so fucking stubborn I swear" Olly says annoyed as he watches me. My thumb hesitates over the screen.

Before I could reply I heard the door to my office opening. My assistant poked his head through the door. His eyes told me that there something important that he needed to tell me and I guess olly noticed that too as he sighed deeply.

" I won't force you to do anything but just know that Nick feels really bad about it" at his words I look at him. Wondering if Nick actually did feel bad and was he making his brother come and talk to me.

" don't lie to my face Olly, if he felt bad he would be here not you" I said firmly. Olly seems to roll his eyes as he turned to the side. Reaching for his backpack that was resting on the table.

He picked it up and hauled it over his shoulder.

" whatever, I'm just trying to help. I'm out of here" he says as he already started to walk towards the door. Toby pushed it open for him.

As he left the office I vaguely heard his mumble.
" adulting is hard" his words had managed to make me smile just that little bit.

Once Olly was gone Toby walked over to my desk and placed a tablet in front of me.

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