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Chapter 19

"Have your boobs grown?" Amy commented as she stared up at me standing with one of her beautiful gowns on.

I asked her to style me for this event tonight. This would be the first time me and Nick publicly go to something as an item whatever you want to call it.

James was presenting an award tonight and apparently, he needed moral support from us. Whatever that meant.

"No" I commented looking down at my chest. They looked the same to me.

She shook her head before bending down and smoothing down the underlining of my dress.

"Have you received my PR yet?" I asked when we finally finished trying the dresses, I was going to try this teal gown. Not something I have really tried before but I'm open to the idea.


I kept a straight face, I would need to chase that down and see whether the orders have been mixed up. Amy is an important ally of mine.

"You know I don't expect to receive your orders in return for dressing you for these events right"

I stepped down picking at the material of the dress. " you will take and accept it, no buts" I said to her.

She said no more. She knew better than to argue with me. I wasn't one to step down so easily.

It's rare to have such great friendships in this industry but I am adamant to keep this friendship with Amy. She works hard and that is something I admire in friendships.

"Tell that handsome man of yours I want this dress still intact by the rest of the night" she mumbled staring at me in the mirror.

I grinned at her.

"Nick appreciates the labour that goes into these dresses, don't worry about that one" Nick wasn't the type to go around ripping up clothing not when the girl wearing said clothes is a designer.

"See you later babe," Amy said helping me outside where Benny waited patiently for me. Amy would also be attending tonight, her sister is also presenting an award.

I was applying a fresh coat of lipstick to my lips when I felt Benny staring.

"spit it out," I said not even looking at him. I felt him press the brake a little too harshly, luckily for him I was a professional at doing makeup in the car.

"When am I going to meet this Nick, as a part of your family I think I deserve to meet the man sweeping you off your feet"

I shut the little mirror and looked at Benny. He was right he was a part of my family not necessarily by blood, but he has been with the family for a long time.

"Anytime you want Ben, I can organise something if its something you really want," I said to him.

He grinned "really"

This man. "of course" I winked at him. He finally arrived and helped me out of the car leaving a kiss on my head. I glared at him, he always makes it difficult for me to explain this scene to reporters.

I made my way inside, smiling at the familiar faces as I passed them. Enough for a smile but not enough to stop and chat to them.

This industry is full of fake people I am heavily guarded around these people.

"Champagne" a waiter said coming up to me with full tray of glasses. I smiled as I took one from the tray watching as he ran off to offer to more guests. When he disappeared from my view. I was instantly able to see further into the room.

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