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Chapter 34

Patience was needed tonight, and luckily i happen to have a lot of it. When Nick was done collecting his award we were in industry conversations for the rest of the night.

Nick made it a mission to keep me close, any chance he got he would hold my hand, stroke my back and even kiss me once every hour.

He clearly knew I was trying for him and he was making sure I knew how thankful he was but not letting me become forgotten.

But your girl needed to pee, especially with all the glasses of champagne I was drinking tonight.

After taking a quick stop I stood in front of the mirror and reapplied my lipstick and blotted my nose.

This is what everyone wanted right, for me to be the perfect girlfriend, smile as i stand by his side. But it's not that I hated it, I enjoyed seeing everyone become imitated as Nick approached them. Not sparing a second glance to any other woman.

I actually fucking loved it.

I finished my lips off with a coating of lipgloss which would probably last me until later when the cameras are gone and i have him back to myself completely.

Lipstick long gone. The only shine coming from the wetness of Nick's tongue.

I caught sight of a woman walking into the bathroom. She caught my eyes in the mirror and sent me an encouraging nod as she slipped into a stall.

I've seen her around tonight, i think she is the wife of one of the directors here tonight.

I turned to exit but she slid open the stall calling out to me. " It' Selene right?"

I stopped midstep.

" yeah, that's me. Sorry, I don't know your name and I'm not really knowledgeable in this industry.

She walked over to the sink, washing her hands.

" I haven't personally introduced myself so I don't expect you to know who I am but My name is Juliette " she paused.


It was like a lightbulb went off in my head. Mrs Haudrez, how could I not recognise her.

" I guess our men don't talk about their significant others a lot" I grinned catching on.

" as long as he comes home to me, i don't mind" i commented.

She clicked her tongue. " that's right, they don't share "

I laughed. " do you ever feel pressured to support your husband?" I dared to ask her. Weirdly enough I felt like I could trust her, and I wanted to.

Juliette dried her hands finally turning to face. " I did at first. Unlike you, we were already together when he was just starting out. But he soon told me that he didn't need me to be with him at every event to know that I supported him"

I pursed my lips, thinking.

She gracefully walked forward and brought my hair to the front." Nick is a simple man, nothing too complicated. Tonight was a big night so I'm sure he really wanted you here but I doubt he needs you at every social gathering and event. Not because he doesn't want you there but because he doesn't necessarily need you there where he knows it isn't your scene"

I stared at her dumbfounded.

I knew that she was slightly older than me but not by much maybe in her mid 30's.

" Nick's been a good friend to us which is why I seem to know a bit about what goes on in that brain of his. I don't want to brag but my husband did teach him a trick or two" she added winking at me.

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