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Chapter 20

"There's a real sour mood in the office tonight" Jake whistles as he walked over to my desk.

I spent most of my day at the office. I normally don't stay this long, but I had to work with the editors after finding out that my designs were not completed.

" Not my fault you have incompetent employees," I said burying my head back into my designs. It was Halloween and I wanted to have some special pieces that we could launch for the season.

"They're not incompetent, they just are running behind cut them some slack" This sounded so weird coming from his mouth normally it would be me saying that to him. I don't know what has brought this foul mood, maybe its to do with the season but I don't really know.

"Why don't you head home, get an early weekend" he suggested.

I decided that he was right. Maybe I just needed to get out of the office and relax rather than stressing about work.

"Can you walk me out?, Benny isn't picking me up tonight I need to get an uber or something?" I asked as I shoved my pens into my little bag.

Ben texted me about an hour ago to tell me he wouldn't be able to pick me up, a family emergency had come up.

Kate was called to Birmingham so calling her now would be a waste of time.

Jake checked his watch "Can't you just call your boyfriend"

I would but his office is so far and out the way that it would just be a nuisance.

"Fine don't, I'm still not happy with you telling him about that, by the way, its super embarrassing" I said as I walked past him and out of the office. Nick is not going to let me live it down.

He laughed behind me "Only told him the truth, you did say it" I honestly thought I only said it in my head. Turns out a few people actually heard me.

Jake found himself in an in-depth conversation with the finance guys that I actually did walkout by myself. The reason why I asked in the first place was because for a few nights I've been feeling weird, almost like I'm being followed.

I think I even saw two guys following me last night on my way home. I know it's probably me being paranoid or some kids trying to freak me out but the world i scary and I need to be cautious.

Luckily by the time I made it out of the building the uber was pulled up.

I don't know how it was possible, but I actually fell asleep, it was only a short drive so I'm not sure how that was possible but I must have been extremely tired.

"Thanks, have a good night" I said to the driver before leaving the car. He simply nodded and started looking for his next drive.

I slowly walked up to my door. I rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of my tiredness, I knew I had so much more work to be getting on with. I love spending time with Nick, but I need to start getting my work/life balance sorted out.

I was a little worried when I saw one of my lights were already on.

I reached quickly into my purse trying to find my phone. My uber had already left there was no way I could exit and be safe from whatever circumstance I may be in right now.

I went straight for my dad, I know you probably expected me to ring Nick but he might not pick up whereas with my dad if he saw me calling at this time at night he wouldn't bat an eyelid before pressing answer.

As soon as the call connected another light in my house turned on. I could clearly see that there were two people in my front room.

" come inside princess, its just me and Kate" Dad said into the phone. I don't think I could have taken a bigger breath of relief after hearing him.

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