Chapter 1

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During daylight it was a nice place to meet with friends or have a small break from work. In the evening, nobody would dare to come close to the small Café. The reason? It can't be any closer to the Mafia than this.

The Café had a relaxing atmosphere. If you went inside the smell of sweet desserts mixed with a pinch of coffee was streaming up your nose. The furnishings were perfect matching with the aroma. Not many tables were placed in the room before the counter, but every seat had a view out of the big windows, to the blue sea. It was the closest house to the sea and the closest to the port Mafia.

The owner of this shop was a couple in their late 40's with their son. It never matters to the family that they had to close the shop when the sunlight was fading, because then the Mafia acted. No, that was normal for them and they still managed to be very happy with it.

"Good morning Ms. Maler, your Latte is already ready." A boy was staying behind the counter and smiled brightly at the young woman in front of him. "Oh (Y/N) my dear, thank you very much." With those word she payed and went out again.
(Y/N) was the son of the shop owners. He started working as he was a small kid of five years. 11 years had passed until now and he loved to stay behind the counter and mix the different coffees for the customers. It was a sunny Saturday in town and many people visited the shop. Most of them were regulars and liked talking with the young boy or his parents. Everything peaceful.

It was nearly time to close the shop as the sun faded on the bright sky. Only a few customers were left. (Y/N) began to clean the counter and coffee machine as the soft noise of the small bell above the door could be heard. As the male turned around to face the new guest, he saw a face that he had never seen before around this area. The person in front of him was around his age, or at least (Y/N) thought so. He had brown hair which looked so soft that the boy had to hold his hands back from patting it. Unfortunately, a bandage covered the right eye which was still as pinning as the other chocolate brown he could see in front of him.

Before (Y/N) was able to scan the rest of the body, he was snapped out of his thoughts as the male began to talk. "Good evening, could I have a green tea?" Astonishingly his voice sounded friendly and his whole facial expression changed to a sweet smile. "Mhm, of course." As (Y/N) managed to smile again he turned around and quickly prepared the others order. Was it just him or was his aura pretty could around the new guest? Probably just imagination.

After that he sat down like a normal costumer by the window and nothing more happened. "(Y/N)! Could you close the shop? It's already getting late." A woman opened the door behind the counter which was leading to the living room of the family. The boy nodded as he looked around. Only 2 people were sitting by the window, shouldn't take too long for them to finish their drinks.

After half an hour of cleaning and preparing everything for the next day, (Y/N) only needed to close the door. "Excuse me, it is already late. Would you mind leaving the shop?" He said to the last costumer, the guy with the bandages.

Now that he could look at him, he was weird looking. Bandages around arms and neck while wearing a brown coat. It was almost autumn, but still not too cold.

"Ah, excuse me! I forgot about the time, I apologize!" Within a second, he stood up from his chair and brought the cup to the counter where (Y/N) was standing. "It was delicious, thank you." Before the other could say anything, he went through the door and disappeared. "At least he is friendly..." (Y/N) mumbled to himself as he closed the shop. What an interesting day.

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