Time skip: First day of December, Friday
"Good evening Dazai. Green tea as always?" (Y/N) smiled at the boy with bandages as he nodded to him. "Would be very nice of you!" While (Y/N) was preparing the cup of the for Dazai, the boy went to the same seat near the window he always sat down.
During the last two months (Y/N) began to talk a bit with the other boy. He found out that he was a year older than himself as well as his name and ability, no longer human. Soon enough he noticed that Dazai didn't like talking about his private life. (Y/N) had tried to talk with him about his family and school he was attending, but it was like talking with a wall. A friendly and fluffy wall, but still a wall. He found out that the boy actually had a pretty nice character but was also still weird.
Often when he came in the evening, before (Y/N) had to close the shop, he sat down next to him and they talked for a bit. Dazai often talked about killing him in a nice suicide and told (Y/N) what he already tried but failed at. It was weird at the beginning, but with the time they got more and more comfortable with each other. Around his friends he treated Dazai like a normal costumer. Somehow, (Y/N) didn't want to let them know. Even though Kaito and Misaki had been teasing him about staring at him. Still, they didn't have to know everything.
With two cups of green tea, (Y/N) sat down in front of Dazai. "Here, yours." He smiled and handed the other boy the cup. "Thank you~" He said happily and singing it a bit. "So, what brings you here today? Anything I missed?" (Y/N) took a sip of his tea, softly blowing in the cup. "Not really, I just can't get rid of the taste of your tea, it is simply the best~" (Y/N) turned his eyes with a sigh. "Stop it, you will make me blush at some point."
With a small chuckle Dazai leaned back while drinking the tea. "Dazai, you have something on your hand." He pointed at something red which was flowing down his index finger. "Hm? Oh, thanks. Didn't notice that." With a smile he put the cup down to lick it off his finger. 'Was that blood? But there isn't a cut...'
After their little chat Dazai went out of the Café and the shop closed. (Y/N) took a deep breath as he laid down in his bed. Somehow, he couldn't forget it, this red liquid. He then decided to put the puzzle pieces together. 'He often comes in the evening, has bandages, doesn't want to talk about his private life...and today...' within a second (Y/N)'s eyes shot open "He is a Mafia!"
"No no no, why should he be part of the Mafia? It just doesn't make any sense."
Next day
The next day was a Saturday again. As (Y/N) woke up, he didn't wait any time to get ready. Maybe Dazai would come today too, maybe in the morning? With all the questions as motivation in his head, he rushed down the stairs into the kitchen. After a quick breakfast he decided to open the shop a bit earlier.
It was boring and the time wasn't passing. He managed to survive till the evening, but sadly, he hasn't seen the other male the whole day. With a heavy sigh he turned the sign on the door around, having now the word 'closed' shown to the people outside. Then (Y/N) began to clean all the tables, thinking about what and how he would ask Dazai about the Mafia. "Maybe I am really over thinking things, and everything is fine."
Suddenly (Y/N) felt how something wet was grabbing his shoulder, making him flinch in surprise. "Oh my god! Who the-...Dazai?" The brown eyed male was standing in front of him now, with a bright smile on his lips. "I knocked but you didn't hear me. You also didn't lock the door. Somebody else could have come inside." With this sentence his aura suddenly changed. 'Is...Is he talking about the Mafia? Is he really one?' "Are you okay (Y/N)? You don't look well." Now his face was worried as he noticed that (Y/N)'s face was blank.
(Y/N) finally managed to get his thoughts sorted again. Slowly he opened his mouth, having something in his mind that kept him from talking, but he really wanted to. He needed to. He must know the answer. "D-Dazai...a-are you f-from...from the Mafia?"

Dazai x Male! Reader
FanfictionA call from the phone is too striking, but visting the same Cafè almost every day is alright? The Mafia is realy a weird organization. During daylight it was a nice place to meet with friends or have a small break from work. In the evening, nobody w...