Chapter 14

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Same day, same time

"What do you mean, normal?" Dazai blinked as he glanced down at the other male.

"There are still so many risks...but most of it I don't want to see you suffering if something happens. And then I am suffering, and everybody knows about us and then my parents will give me a serious talk and then some tra-" "(Y/N), that won't happen. You will be safe, and I am long enough part of the Mafia to know what will happen to me." Dazai smiled kindly while lifting (Y/N) chin before resting their foreheads together, whispering in a low voices "Just answer me now, from how you are feeling about me."

There it was. The point where he had to make a move. His heart said yes, but his mind was still confused and didn't know. "Well, I do like you, a lot..." A heavy sigh went over the (H/C) lips before looking up to Dazai. "Yes, yes I would like to be your boyfriend."

"Was it that bad to say?" Dazai smiled at (Y/N) before kissing him. For some reason, this kiss felt way better than all the others they had ever shared, even though you can count them on one hand. Hopefully it will always be this way.
Too soon for the (H/C) male, Dazai pulled back, letting their hug be the only connection.

"But only as long as nothing happens to you and you won't get in danger. Got it?" Honestly this was the only problem for (Y/N), but maybe this will also change.

"We had been seeing each other since how long now? 6 Months? Nothing happened and nothing will happen, I can promise that." Dazai tried to calm the smaller male down, hearing the worry in his voice as he talked.

"How can you promise that? I bet there had been many people killed because they got a connection to the Mafia because of their partner." Why was he still asking? He wanted to be with Dazai. He liked am and Dazai liked (Y/N). And he was right, nothing had happened until now. So why should it start?

"I can promise, because I won't be an idiot and tell somebody about us or let them find it out. Hiding some information isn't too complicated." (Y/N) could feel the slight touch of Dazais hand on his cheeks before he sighed. "And now you should get going or else I will get a problem with your parents and your friends for bringing you home too late."

Chuckling and rolling his eyes, (Y/N) pulled his keys out of a pocket to open the door. "Will I see you tomorrow?" He almost whispered before opening the door.

"Maybe, I don't know how long I have to work." Kissing his hand and blowing the kiss in (Y/N) direction, Dazai began to walk away as (Y/N) closed the door.

It was warm around the (H/C) male again, just right. Only taking his shoes of, he went straight to his bedroom. His parents were somewhere around, but he just wanted to relax at the moment. Also (Y/N) didn't know what to say to his parents. They had asked him a few times about the person, no, about the girl he went out with last month and will probably ask him about today too. Is he allowed to say that it was Dazai? A male and part of the Mafia? How much worse could it get for a parent!

Laying down on his bed, (Y/N) checked his phone it was already 9pm and the streetlight turned on. Only a message of his mother could be seen on the screen.

Misaki und Kaito called and said that you are out today. I hope you will tell us this time who it was...

He couldn't see more of the text, not wanting to unlock his phone now.

What should he tell them? (Y/N) knew that they wouldn't say much to his sexuality, probably, hopefully... But they sure would ask a lot about Dazai since they don't know him well, or at all. And then it would turn into a long long conversation about if he was sure to go out with someone, he doesn't know well, and he didn't even know his family or anything too private about him. Heck, he never went over to his place!

Whatever (Y/N) was going to tell them, it will probably have to be a big lie.

That's it for today! I hope you liked it until now :)

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