Chapter 22

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Saturday: 6. April

Misa: I wouldn't be able to have a boyfriend while having so much work!

Kaito: Same! I wish him luck for his project!

Misa: Me too, he will do that!

(Y/N): I am sure he will do great; just hope he isn't too tired or so...

Misa: Don't worry, he will manage it!!!

(Y/N): Yeah yeah, he sure will~

With a sigh (Y/N) put his phone next to him on the bed and laid down, starring at the ceiling. He didn't hear anything from Dazai the whole week over.

After telling his friends that his boyfriend had to do a really tough project, (Y/N) went down to the shop.

It was almost closing time, so the boy helped cleaning the tables and making everything ready for the next day. He honestly needed something to distract him.

It was normal for Dazai not to text or call him often, but not showing his face made the teenager worry a little bit...too much. Knowing the risks, he had to work with every day. It didn't make it any better.

"(Y/N)? Don't worry, he will come once his project is done." His father smiled and gave him a kiss on the head before heading to the living room.

"Sure...his project..." the (H/C) male mumbled. "I am not worrying about his 'school life' but about his life..." laying his head down on one of the tables, (Y/N) stared at the door, hopping to see Dazai.

He would still have a few minutes till it is the official closing time, so maybe?

10 minutes
8 minutes
5 minutes
3 minutes
Closing time, again.

(Y/N) stood up from the table and pulled the blindlings downs, locking the door and quickly cleaning the counter.

A knock on the door let (Y/N) stop for a moment. His hopes where suddenly higher than ever imagined as he quickly headed to the door.

As he pulled the roller blind up, his heart skipped a little bit as he saw his boyfriend.

Unlocking in no time, (Y/N) pulled the other male into a hug.

"Where the hell have you been?!"

He wasn't angry at Dazai, but right now it was just too much to keep quiet. The whole time he had been worrying and now he just shows up without a scratch.

"It's good to see you too." Chuckling softly, the taller male lead them inside before closing the door again. "I am sorry for not visiting, but right now the situation is rather tensed and complicated."

It got silent as (Y/N) went to make them some tea before sitting down by the counter.

"Are you alright?" He looked a bit worried as he put some honey on the counter.

"I am perfectly fine, don't worry about me." Dazai smiled as he usually does, taking a sip of his tea.

With a sigh (Y/N) leaned back, relaxing a little bit more. "I hope it stays like that. Do you have to work so much this week too?" Leaning on his hand the boy looked in his cup, watching go the honey sink down.

"That's actually one of the reasons why I am here. I do have to work a lot now and I really don't know for how long. It's just...we all don't know." Chuckling again, Dazai looked at his boyfriend.

"Everything is quiet chaotic right now and I should lead this mission tha-" "leading?!"

(Y/N) interrupted suddenly. "Isn't it a big mission? Shouldn't somebody...higher lead it?"

"(Y/N), I am somebody higher. I am working direct under the head of the mafia." He made a break, staring at his boyfriend. "He even thinks that I could be the new boss in a while."

That's something the smaller boy had to let his brain work on for a moment. He knew that Dazai wasn't unimportant for the mafia, but that important? He also knew that Dazai had an ability which also was a reason why he has a higher rank. Abilities are not a common thing.

"So... you are leading this ehh mission. The whole time?" He waited for a sign of the brown-haired male. "And for how long is the whole time? Not exactly but, a week? Month?" He continued after a nod.

"I don't know, longer than a week but probably less than a month." Dazai sighed as he looked down on his hands. "It's a bigger one."

Both fell in silent again.

(Sorry for not uploading yesterday but today, see ya next week!)

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