Chapter 18

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Saturday: 30. March

The last three weeks before (Y/N) birthday had passed like no time at all. School was more relaxing than at any time before, the Café went rather well and Dazai visited more often. Which was pretty good since (Y/N) didn't have his phone number, it would be 'too risky'. Anyway, it was perfect at the moment!

On his actual birthday, his parents went out for lunch with him, during his free periods and gave him their present. Misa, Kai and Dazai put their money together and bought him a ticket for the next (Movie/theatre/ball/football game/...).

Today would get even better. As always, Misa planed that they would all be able to sleep as long as they wanted. Around 12 they met at (Y/N) front door and walked the whole way to the mall.

Dazai didn't say anything about his part of the plan, just smiling and shaking his head every time (Y/N) asked him.

"So, where do you want to go first?" Kai pulled out a map from the mall where he had marked every shop that his friend liked and could like, most of it was some places where they could get some snacks.

They just started at the bottom of the building, entering a few book and game shops before they sent to the party costume and decoration store. It was the store where Misa, Kai and (Y/N) had always spend at least an hour in as they were smaller.

Today wasn't any better. Dazai soon caught the fever and they started to put on masks, play with the swords and plan parties they would never actually do.

After the mall, Misaki hurried and they followed her to a bakery in the centre of the city. They ate here a few times with their families and sometimes during summer break, but it was.... a little expansive to be honest.

They found peaceful table, which was at the end of the room and had some time for a more regular talk.

"And, how is your day until now? Best birthday ever?" Misaki asked this every year, trying to make an even better party each year.

"It's good, but still can't top the waffles bakery we visited a few years ago." (Y/N) smirked as he looked over at his friend. It was his 6. birthday as his parents went out of town with them and a few other kids.

They were babbling and talking about the next birthdays and next year already during their time in the bakery. They even asked Dazai when they should make his birthday day, but he refused. He tried to; it didn't go well for him.

It was almost 3pm as they went to the gaming bar, where they all got chips and went crazy. Playing a 'my little pony' game in the kids' area was just the beginning. Soon they made their way to the teen games and played against each other. Dazai decided on a team game, two vs. two. First, they played Dazai and (Y/N) vs. Misa and Kaito but changed in the second round to Dazai and Misa vs. (Y/N) and Kaito. They tried every combination, and all of them lost at least once.

"Fun day, wasn't it." (Y/N) smiled as they went out of the hall, into the already cold air.

"Yea, perfect day, as always." Kaito stretched his arms and rubbed his eyes, getting used to the light again.

"So, we will be going now, you two have fun for the rest of the day." Misa smiled as they all got pulled into a group hugging, before the two friends left.

After a few more steps to the bus station, (Y/N) took Dazais hand and looked up to him. "And where are we going? Can you tell me now?"

"No, I can just say that I have talked with your parents and they said okay." Dazai stopped as they reached the station, looking down at his boyfriend.

"Do I have to be scared now?" (Y/N) was more confused than scared to be honest, wondering what will come now.

"Oh no, you will be perfectly fine, don't worry about it." Dazai kissed the (H/C) male before they got on the bus.

Hmmm, where will they be going? I know it and you don't~ ^^

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