Chapter 4

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Same day, same time: Saturday

(Y/N)'s mouth closed as he looked up to the taller male in front of him, which hand was still tightly gripping his shoulder while pressing his back against a table. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Dazai moved his other hand to (Y/N) cheek. "Your face is pale."

By the sudden touch on his face, (Y/N) snapped out of his thoughts. He couldn't do it. He didn't want to. He feared hearing the answer. "I-I am fine...just...worked much today." With a small smile he responded the others question. He sighed in his mind as Dazai let go of his cheek and shoulder. "Do you want some tea? Or anything else?" (Y/N) went back to cleaning the tables. "No, I just came in because you didn't look well. What were you thinking about?

'I can't tell him. I am not even sure about it.' "Nothing much. I don't want to talk about it. It's a little-" "Alright, you don't have to if you don't want to. I will be going, I still must do something. Bye bye~" (Y/N) turned around to see Dazai's bright smile as he waved at him and left the Café again. "Bye...bye"

After a few times of blinking and then finishing all the tables, (Y/N)  got the counter and the machine ready for the next day. "Didn't I already clean the floor?" His gaze went to the wet floor where you could see every little step Dazai had made inside the room. Not only that. There where red drops all around them. (Y/N) went closer and kneeled in front of a muddy imprint of the others shoes. Next to it where some drops. Red drops. not much, but (Y/N) was able to get it on his finger. With a small lick of his tongue there was no doubt left. This blood.

'No doubt. He is part of the Mafia. And he got more careless about it...' Also, this night (Y/N) didn't find much sleep.

Next day: Sunday

After only a few hours of sleep, (Y/N) woke up as his mother woke him. "(Y/N), it's already 10am, you should get up. I thought you are going out with Kaito and Misaki today?" "AHhh!! Yes, in two hours!!" Within an hour the boy and finished all his task he had today and relaxed, sitting down in one of the big chairs in the shop.

'It is not like I haven't seen guys from the Mafia before...but. Dazai is only a kid. Wait, he is 17! He isn't as small as I think, he is older than me! is actually...not that shocking.' (Y/N) kept sitting in the same spot for the last few minutes till his friends came and picked him up.

"So, did you see mister loving-hair-with-bandages again?" Misaki teased me with a smirk on her lips. "God, I never said 'loving' him or anything like that. He just is...abnormal somehow. And I also-" "am not gay." Kaito finished his sentence while laughing. "We know that dude, you keep on saying that since we first teased you about him. And come on. If you really were gay, you would have chosen me, right?" With this (Y/N) couldn't hold it any longer and began laughing with them both. "Sure sure, I would pick you." And with that the three went into the park, being happy about the snow in town.

"Dazai! I am going to kill you if you keep on doing that!" (Y/N) heard a voice behind him. 'Dazai? The Dazai?' He turned around and saw a boy with ginger hair who was placing a hat on his head. "I won't ever stop doing it, besides your hair looks good today." There was another voice, which was from him. There he was. (Y/N)'s eyes went brighter as he spotted him. There was Dazai going behind the smaller one. "You think so? I did my hair a bit different today." he stopped to look at his hair. "I am joking." Dazai put his tongue out and kept on walking. "YOU!!!"

"Isn't that mister loving-body?" (Y/N) heard Kaito near his ear. "Kaito! Stop it!" But this only made it worse. That was the moment as Dazai moved his head over and spotted them.

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