Chapter 25

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Time skip: 2nd May, Thursday

(Y/N) found himself on his bed, scrolling through his social media.

It was 3 p.m. and he just came back home from school, not feeling motivated enough to do anything progressive. He could have helped his father with the shop, but after this morning, he just didn't want to.

Nothing happened, everything was fine and normal.

And that was (Y/N)'s problem.

He was still the only one who knew the truth about where Dazai was for the last 3 weeks already. Well, he just knew that he was on a mission, but not where to be exactly.

And that was another problem.

He didn't even get a small note, message or sign of his existence.

Not a call nor a letter or text.

Sitting back up, (Y/N) locked his phone, staring at the black display, hoping it would lighten itself again. During the last week he started worrying more and more about his boyfriend.

What kind of job was it, that he couldn't steal himself away for a minute to text him?

"Oh, My GoDNEsS WHY DO I KEEP THINking..." screaming for a second, he tried to get out of his mode which went south.

"Okay, calm down. He will be fine, and he just doesn't want to mess up in any way, so he keeps his full concentration on...something. He will be back soon! I bet!"

Hyping himself, (Y/N) jumped up from his bed, his phone making a backflip as it landed rather rough on the bed, landing very close to the edge of the bedframe.

He managed to put away his school supplies with his newly won energy and heading down in the kitchen.

"Hey mom, do you need help?" the (H/C) asked as he spotted her, cutting some salad into small strips.

"Sure, you can take out the mustard, vinegar, sugar and pepper and start making the dressing.

Losing no time, he quickly took the ingredients and some extras, tasting every few seconds.

After a few minutes of chit chatting with his mother about what was going on in school, when his friends will come over again and when Dazai will come back, she went over in the shop. The always changed shifts while eating.

Taking a deep breath while grumbling a little bit, (Y/N) started to eat, sitting alone by the table.

He felt better now, having a nice conversation with his mother again, but he still got so many questions which will be unanswered until his boyfriend comes back. If he comes back. Worst case scenario.

later this day, around 10 p.m.

"so, we got no more homework until tomorrow? Perfect, I will go to bed then. Yeah, see you tomorrow. Normally at 7.30? Okay, see ya then." (Y/N) hung up, lettings his earphones lazy hang down to his phone while finishing the last paragraph of his essay.

For the last three hours he was on the phone with his best friends, making sure to have all the homework. But as always, the got somehow distracted and it took longer than planned in the beginning.

Finally falling in his bed, (Y/N) made sure to have his phone turned on in case of Dazai calling, like the last days.

Turning the lights off, he connected his phone with the charger, feeling the slight vibration before the display turned on.

After falling asleep, he dreamed about a number calling him. A number he had never seen before, so it was obviously his boyfriend. And as he picked up, he could hear his voice again, for the first time in weeks, he didn't dream about him since then.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" with a soft chuckle he paused. "Could you open the door for me?"

(Y/N) was smiling brightly but also sleepily. Nodding his head, he fell back in his bed, wanting to hear more of his voice, even if it was just in his imagination.

I tried my best with a fluff ending for this chapter, since nothing else happened :3
Hope you all liked it!

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