Chapter 24

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Time skip 13th April

It had already been a week since the (H/C) male last saw his boyfriend. Honestly, it wasn't too weird and depressing for him.

At this moment (Y/N) sat in his room with Misaki and Kaito, trying to get some homework done.

"Ahhhh, it is Saturday! We shouldn't be sitting here and write stupid English texts! Can't we go out?" his friend had asked non-stop during the last hour.

"If you would start concentrating on this 'stupid text' you may have a good homework for once in your life and a positive grade as well." The girl replayed grumbling and throwing a pen in the male's direction, but missing, unfortunately.

"But I have a good grade, and almost every homework..."

"Because you copy ours every single day." (Y/N) smiled slightly as he watched Kaito fall back on the floor, probably trying to get a bit of motivation.

Most of the past few days where like that. The trio had spent way too much time with each other. Since Dazai had left, the girl thought about keeping them busy with some basic things which turned into disasters most of the time.

"How about we go to the park and finish our essay in the evening? You two can stay here for the night." (Y/N) barely finished his sentence before he got an almost sadistic smirk from Misa and clapping from Kai as an answer.

"Change of plan, we will go to the grocery store!" Jumping up from the bed while closing her laptop, Misa quickly helped the lazy boy up from the floor.

The (E/C) male blinked a few times before agreeing, not knowing if he will regret it later while putting his schoolbook in the drawer of his desk. "Sure...we can do that."

Later that day 7p.m.

Ignoring the sound of bags falling on the ground, (Y/N) closed the door behind them. The other two were already in the kitchen, letting the boy hang up their coats and jackets by the door.

"Can you tell us now what we are doing now? Exactly?" He asked, watching how his friends take out flour, eggs and milk from a bag.

"Sure, sure, now I can." Pulling out her phone, Misaki leaned against the kitchen counter. "Chocolate muffins"

"Come again?" The boys said almost synchrony.

"Chocolate muffins." She repeated with a smile. "It is a... challenge, I think. Yeah."

Putting away the last purchases, (Y/N) and Kaito joined the girl, glancing on her phone. There, indeed, was a recipe for chocolate muffins and nothing else.

"So, we got the recipe and we can read it in about 2 to 5 minutes. From there on we must remember it and are not allowed to look at it again. Looking, recognizing, baking."

"We are not allowed to measure while reading the recipe?" The (Y/N) male asked a little bit confused.

"Yes, the only thing we can know is the temperature for the oven. Expect this, nothing. Oh, and we all make our own muffins, so in the end we will have three times the recipe. Or something similar hopefully."

"Let's get going then!" rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, Kaito was already full of energy for once this day.

After reading the recipe for at least 100 times (or so they thought), (Y/N) put on some music and they started their...project.

While (Y/N) got the right amount of flour, eggs and chocolate, he somehow got double the oil and baking soda.

Misaki did rather good, she just completely forgot about the butter and added way too much milk. Her dough was more of a liquid than real muffin dough.

Kaito had a similar problem. An egg too much and half of flour. If it was because he forgot it or he was too lazy to open another package, we may never know. But he made it up with the double amount of chocolate chips.

After 30 minutes of baking, the trio decided to take their masterpieces out of the oven.

(Y/N)'s where, because of the soda, too big for the muffin forms. But very fluffy as well!

Misa's where too soft and still very fluid, but they got the best colour.

Kaito's looked like a volcano filled with chocolate just exploded and got the best taste, they all agreed.

"How about, we make this never ever again?" (Y/N) suggested as he looked up from their little cakes, over to the mess they left in the kitchen. There was flour on the ground, dough on the counter, mixed with, not any longer, melted chocolate and empty bottles, bowls and packaging's everywhere.

"Agreed! But you must admit, it was funny:" The girl smiled as he got a laugh back from the (H/C) boy, Kai only nodding as he finished another of their muffins.

In the end, they took the rest of their muffins and chocolate and went up to (Y/N) room, eating before going to bed for the day.

Sorry for not uploading on Saturday, but I struggled a bit with this one. But it got longer, and I will make sure to post one this week ;)

Hope you liked it; a bit different than usual :)

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