Chapter 5

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Same time, same place: Sunday

'Shit shit shit shit!!!' (Y/N)'s mind went blank and he didn't know what he should say when they are coming over. Dazai looked at them for a short moment before putting his arms behind his back. "Come on Chuuya, we need to get things done." Without even smiling at (Y/N) or the other, he just kept walking his way, followed by the smaller male.

'What...was...that?' "Didn't he recognize us or at least you?" Misaki looked after the both boys. "I guess so." Kaito added. (Y/N) only nodded since he didn't know what to say. He saw them. He saw him. He felt his eyes piercing through his own. They were cold, almost freezing him. Was this the real him? And where are they going now? (Y/N) had thousands of questions in his head that need to be answered.

Time skip: back home

It was already late, and the sun almost disappeared as (Y/N) opened the door to his house. He didn't want to go through the Café, so he took the front door. Because of the sudden snow that came from the clouds, his (H/C) hair was all wet. "Ah, you are home. Would you be so nice and close the shop? we have to get ready for the theatre." His mother smiled brightly. She was really looking forward to the theatre since she got the cards half a year ago. "Of course, hurry up! You don't want to be late." (Y/N) smiled back as he took a towel to dry his hair a bit.

With a candy in his mouth and the towel still around his shoulders to catch the small drops from his hair, (Y/N) made his way down through the door straight I the shop. His father had already turned the small sign, so he only needed to close the obscuring and the cleaning, as always. He began to close the big front windows where he could see the dark see, since the sun had already disappeared. Now it was time that the Mafia acted. Always in the dark. Hiding in the shadows.

A sudden knocking made (Y/N)'s body to turn around, looking at the door. "God, don't scare me that much!" The boy let out a sigh as he went over to open the door for Dazai. "This time you locked the door. You learned, proud of you." With a sly smirk on his lips he sat down. "My father did it but thank you." (Y/N) replayed, his voice a bit pissed. "What brings you here?"

"I thought that I could come over since I couldn't do it today in the park." "So you did see us." (Y/N) leaned against the table in front of Dazai. "Sorry, I couldn't say hello. I had to do some work." Dazai answered with a smile as he had to look up, his eye looking straight in (Y/N)'s (E/C) ones.  "Work? On Sunday? I thought you were a student." In his voice wasn't even a hint of emotions at this point. Why would he ignore him?

"Aww, don't be so mean to me~ I think you are clever enough to figure things out~" It wasn't a sweet voice this time. His eyes were freezing (Y/N) body so that he can't move any longer. "So, what did you already find out, my dear~" His voice was teasing and (Y/N) could hear the smirk that his lips were wearing on them. " are part of the Mafia." Now that Dazai was standing in front of him, he had to look up for matching his eyes. "Port Mafia, but I am sure you also knew that." (Y/N) only managed to nod his head. 'Shit, why won't my body move? I have seen other Mafia guy before in the Café, after all it is close to the sea!'

Just as (Y/N) thought so, he felt that his body was lighter again. "Well then, I would like a cup of tea." Dazai was smiling again as if nothing had happened before. "W-Wait, what?" He was left without an answer but a smile. With a sigh he went into the small kitchen and came back with two cups. "Could you bring me some honey? I want something sweet..." "Sure." Still not understanding what just happened, (Y/N) went back and brought some Honey.

"Thank you very much~" "Don't be so happy over honey!" (Y/N) rolled his eyes and drank a bit of his tea. "I am not happy over the honey, but over you" "Over me? What do you-" (Y/N) wasn't able to finish his sentence as his eyes closed and his head hit the table. "Night Night (Y/N)-chan~"

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