Chapter 7

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Time skip: the day before Christmas eve

The Café was decorated with all kind of green and red Christmas stuff. There were garlands all above the door and windows, some pictures hanging on the wall, a few candles on the tables and of course the sweet pastries were all decorated with eatable decorations. All in all, time for the big day!

Since (Y/N) had holidays, he was able to help out in the shop the whole day long, from 8am till 5pm. For him he worked an extra hour since he met Dazai on most of the days in the evening.

Since it is the day before Christmas eve, (Y/N) decided that his family should wear something with a flair of Christmas. Just a little touch. Like his mother's elegant pullover or his father's Christmas head. Or his...maybe he over did it a little. (Y/N) was standing behind the counter with a cute little clip-on hat, a green pullover with a Christmas tree on it and some bells that were ringing whenever he was moving around plus, he had bought some slippers with reindeer heads on them. If Christmas would be a person, his name would be (Y/N) (L/N).

The whole day was perfect until now. (Y/N) was in a happy mode, taking every order with a bright smile, even thought that there weren't many people around. Which was also good, not too much work these days. Everything just perfect.

"So, what are we going to do on the last day before the greatest day in the whole year?" (Y/N)'s father asked as he sat down behind the counter. His son quickly turned around to face him. "Hello? My birthday is more important." He chuckled as his father admitted that. "I don't know. We could close a bit earlier and watch a nice move, but not eating anything because I want to eat all the food tomorrow."

"Good idea, but I would still like some popcorn, or nachos." His mother joined the little chat with a small smirk. She knew how much her son loved nachos. "No no no, I want nachos tomorrow!" He said proudly. "I look forward to the food since weeks and I won't eat anything until dinner tomorrow from now on. I will be so hungry that I will eat the whole buffet!" And with those last words it was decided. The (L/N) family would spend the evening watching a movie on their couch.

Time skip: evening

The small couch table was filled with popcorn, nachos and different sauces as the three of them started to watch the movie. "(Y/N), don't you want any nachos my dear son?" His father teased him. "Nope, I am fine."

It was already dark outside, and half of the movie was over as (Y/N)'s phone started running. 'Who is that? I don't know the number?' Soon he answered the phone as his mother stopped the movie. "(L/N), who is speaking?" "(Y/N)-chan~ I am standing in front of closed doors, I guess I will just have to faint right here and now~" (Y/N) could hear the acting from Dazai's voice. "Yea yea, wait a moment." With a sigh he hang up and stood up from the couch. "A friend, I will be back in a bit, you can continue without me." He said smiling to his parents and went to the door of the shop.

"Why did you even come here? Don't you have something planed with your friends?" The boy asked as he closed the door behind Dazai. "I just wanted to be here right now, I will see the others tomorrow." Dazai was smiling and talking as if he would be the kindest human in the world. "And why don't you talk normally? Did something good happen today?" (Y/N) went closer and leaned against the counter next to the other one. "Hmm, not now, but soon~ ""Soon? What do you-" "Not the right time to speak, not now." Dazai said normal again, now standing in front of the smaller male.

(Y/N) was looking at him, not saying a single word. Dazai slowly rested his hands on (Y/N) upper arms. 'What is he doing? Some kind of Mafia game again?' His face shoed that he was bored but also interested in what happened next. Dazai then smirked a little and leaned closer. "Now the happy moment is happening." With those words he moved the last few inches forward and gave the smaller boy a soft kiss.

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