Chapter 16

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Same day, a few minutes later

Soon after (Y/N) had told his mother about their first date and how Dazai always came later in the evening so they could talk in the shop, his father joined them, and they ate lunch. The shop at the 'on break' sign out, so it was no problem for them to eat together.

During lunch he managed to tell his parents about their last date, which they had yesterday. (Y/N) felt realised and his heartbeat went back to normal as he finished their story without any mistakes. He even manages to say that he was in a relationship with Dazai.

"And now that you have told us everything, can we also meet him in person or are you worried that we will embarrassed you till the point that he leaves?" (Y/N) father joked as they had finished lunch.

"I will ask him the next time I see him." He smiled and went up to his room, changing his cloths so he could help out in the shop.

His brain still couldn't take it. He had actually told his parents, almost everything! Ad they had nothing negative to say about it. The (H/C) males smile grew bigger. They could go out more often from now on.

This was a big step.

Soon after, he stood already behind the counter, serving a few costumers and cleaning some tables.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Turning around, (Y/N) spotted his friends which just came in.

"Hey guys, sit down." He went back to the counter, pulling out the chairs and making some hot chocolate. "Guess what, I have told them." Smiling again, he turned around and gave them their cups.

"No! Really? Perfect!" They almost screamed at the same time. "That is great! And, how did they react? Case number 1, 2 or 3?" Misaki asked as she took a sip of her cup.

"Case 1, they took it like it was nothing. Great, isn't it?"
Now (Y/N) also told them what everything about Dazai, even a little bit more than his parents.

The three of them kept talking a few more hours, jumping from (Y/N) love life to some more classic school stuff, over to if the others were interested in somebody. As (Y/N) father passed by, he just smiled and rolled his eyes, mumbling a slight "Teenage love" before going back to his job.

Yeah, this is a short one, but it just felt right to end here ^^
So, that's it for today, hopefully you liked it!

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