Next day: 3rd May Friday
(Y/N) woke up as the annoying ringing sound of his phone could be heard in the small room. Friday, last day of school for this week. Having this in mind the boy managed to reach for his phone, turning the sound off.
A smile made its way on his lips as he looked down from on siting position to his boyfriend which was still lying on the same spot in his bed as yesterday. Still wearing the same cloths which he wore last night.
Grumbling and rubbing his eyes, (Y/N) stood up from the soft mattress and searched for his school uniform. He had showered in the evening, so that won't be a problem for now. Changing in the blue blazer and pants and buttoning up his withe shirt, the (H/C) male went over to the still sleeping boy.
"Good morning Dazai, you should also get up now", (Y/N) whispered in the others ear, waking him as soft as possible. His lips planted some small kisses on Dazais earlobe and neck, but soon got pushed away and leaded to his boyfriends' mouth with the male's hand.
"And what if I don't want to stand up just yet?" the brown-haired asked smiling and with a still sleep drunken voice. Their lips met each other again before (Y/N) could answer but parted as the schoolboy stood up.
"Then you will have to wait for me in my bed, the whole day long until I come back from school." Their hands were tangled as the others body stood up. Now being the smaller one, (Y/N) looked up at his lover before resting against his chest.
"How about breakfast before we both have to leave?" Dazai sneaked his hands under the blue blazer, letting his thumbs circling over the male's shoulder blades, who was about to fall back asleep, leaning his weight against Dazai.
But they soon managed to reach the bathroom which was filled with still warm air from (Y/N) father taking a shower a few minutes earlier. Both males tried to bring their hair back under their control. While (Y/N) took care of his teeth, he looked very closely at Dazai who moved his bandages back into a neater way.
Through the mirror he could see the (H/C) boy looking at him, so he turned around and leaned down. "Am I so fascinating?"
"I wa chu hinking e chu chut fes oh." (Y/N) looked up at Dazais face which was now showing a question mark all written over his face.
"Come again please. You what?"
Rolling his eyes, the (E/C) boy went to the sink and finished brushing his teeth. "I said, I was just thinking why you put these on."
"No real reason. Now let's get some breakfast. I am almost starving!" putting a hand on his forehead while leaning against the wall dramatical, he tried to get the other male down the stairs into the kitchen.
Sitting by the table now, (Y/N) and Dazai ate their (enter food here) before putting shoes and jackets on. After grabbing his backpack, the boys went through the door in the kitchen into the shop.
"I am off to school now mom, love you dad!" "See you soon Mrs. and Mr. (L/N)!"
Smiling as bright as the sun, both boys ran out of the shop, getting to the bus station for Dazai.
"When did Dazai come over?" (Y/N) mother asked as the bell over the door was silent again, turning her head over to her husband.
"I guess last night. Seems like he came back from his training camp."
"Hey Misa, hi Kai!" (Y/N) walked over to the corner of the bakery where he met his friends.
"Oh, why so happy (Y/N)?" Kaito asked as they went towards their school.
"Dazai came home yesterday and stayed over for the night. We went out of the house together this morning." The (H/C) started blabbering with hearts in his eyes.
"He came home? To you? So, he already moved in with you?" The girl teased her friend shortly before reaching the school gate.
Suddenly stopping his mouth, (Y/N) thought about his words and got a slight blush.
"Well, no but yeah...I mean...I wish..."
Smiling with his eyes fixing the silver gate, he started daydreaming for the next few hours.That's it, another chapter will come tomorrow ^^

Dazai x Male! Reader
FanfictionA call from the phone is too striking, but visting the same Cafè almost every day is alright? The Mafia is realy a weird organization. During daylight it was a nice place to meet with friends or have a small break from work. In the evening, nobody w...