The Proposal Part II

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Hello dear readers!

I am back with new update.
Hopefully you are getting gripped by the storyline.

Writer's pov

A set of honey brown eyes are looking back at the girl in the mirror who could only see the broken girl despite her ethereal Beauty. She is not interested in her surroundings anymore. Tears are threatening to fall from her deep almond shaped eyes. She hates her beauty coz it ruined her inner self. A lump is formed in her throat reminiscing the hurtful past that she faced.
She is 22 years old Namrata Joshi, the princess of her Mumma and daddy. There was a time when the Joshi villa used to be chirping with her antics and playfulness but now she is lost.

She takes a deep breath and looks at the reflection of her Mumma,Mrs. Sharada joshi, who is watching her only daughter from the door.

I am fine Mumma, don't worry I am not going to cry over someone who is not even worth my tears. - said Namrata

Coming closer, her mother said- I know beta, you are my strong baby. You are my pride and trust me This shall pass.

After a minute of silence, her mother said- Come let's go nimmi, daddy is waiting for you at the dinner table. And we have something important to tell you.

Yes Mumma, I will be coming right away! - replied a now sober Namrata.

At the dinner table,

Hey my princess! How was your day beta? - asked Mr. Akash Joshi, her father.

It was ok, daddy! Don't worry, I am trying my best. - said nimmi.

After that, they are eating their meal and her parents exchanged few gestures.

Nimmi, we have something to tell you beta. I hope you will understand our point. - spoke Mr. Joshi.

Yes daddy, tell me ...what is it?
The last thing I need in my life is You guys being formal with me.! - Replied she

Ummm....princess we have got a proposal for you.! - Mr Joshi spoke a little concerned

What???? Why dad!!!
You know .....I...can't ...but she was cut by her mother - Nimmi, first listen to your daddy please. We want your happiness beta.

Nimmi, you know we will never force you for anything. We just think it is the right time for you to find a life partner like we found each other. A few days ago, I met my childhood friend, they are nice family people and they have a son, who is a very nice, hard working and down to earth boy. His name is Atharva Avni Singhania. I have full bio-data about him in this envelope along with his picture.

They want to meet you beta. They will be coming this weekend over dinner and we will spend some time together. - said Mr. Joshi.

But dad know...I am not ready for this... Atleast not now.!
You know what happened.....I don't have it anymore in me daddy. - said a very saddened nimmi

Her mother placed her hands on hers and gently said- Nimmi, it is not your fault dear. Stop punishing yourself....and get over the past.
We want your happiness and I have a feeling this alliance is just the right one for you. Have trust on us beta!

I do Mumma....I do....!!!! It's just......
Fine.....I will think about it! But please don't push things. - said Nimmi

That's our baby princess!!! Both the parents said, United.

So, it is settled then! They will be here on Saturday. You can meet their Son, also. I am sure you are going to like their company. - said Mrs. Joshi.

At Singhania mansion

A white pearl BMW is parked outside and a horn is heard. The caretaker came towards the car and opened the gate, and there came out an extremely good looking young man, with his laptop In one hand and a bunch of files in another. He is Atharva Avni Singhania, 25 years old, with a very powerful yet a calm aura around him.

He is welcomed by his entire family in the living room. He is the apple of their eyes.

Bhaiya, you are here!!!! He was taken into a tight hug by Pari(Advika's lovename), his baby sister.

He patted her head and said- Sorry Pari, I got stuck!

Pari let him take a breath of relieve, and Atharva, beta go, get freshened up.
We will be waiting for you for dinner. And we also have something important to tell you. - said his chhoti Maa.

With that he went upstairs to his room and returned in about 15 mins and sat at the dinner table with the entire Singhania clan.

We have found a match for you Atharva! - Said the eldest Singhania, his grandfather.

He stopped eating and looked the elders....and said calmly - Please grandpa...I am not interested in any match. I have got enough on my plate already.

Atharva, look beta, we had met with an old friend few days ago and they are blessed with a beautiful princess.
They asked us to have dinner with them this weekend and let you two meet in a friendly manner. Nothing serious, we will not force you....but we really think it's about time you get settled with a loving and caring life partner. - said his Chachu.

Yes, beta! We have all her details in this envelope....take your time and decide...we will be waiting! - said his chhoti Maa.

Fine Chachu, I will think about it, but I can't promise on this proposal. - said Atharva.

That is fine with us! - said the elders together.

All the youngsters shared a happy smile.
Atharva, hesitant, taking the envelope left for his room.

And finally, the seed of Marriage has been planted in their lives!

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