Celebrating Love

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Hello lovely people!

Now that everything seems to be sorted in the storyline, let's talk about some cute love filled moments between the leads.

Let's start with the chapter!

Writer's pov

With Atharva and Nimmi sorted, it was time for all to celebrate.

Sumer had organised a small party in a club after Atharva got Nimmi home, and they all agreed to celebrate the Couple.

However, the couple, specially Atharva was a little disappointed as he wanted to spend some time alone with Nimmi after his proposal.

He said - Guys, I am tired....and I believe Nimmi is tired too.
May be we can go on a party tomorrow!

Pratik - No Bhai, we must celebrate it today as this day is going to be your official couple anniversary!

What official Couple Anniversary? We were already a couple!
Just back off Pratik, we are not going anywhere with you guys!
We just got back! - atharva whined

Pratik and Naina laughed at his cute protest while Nimmi blushed.

Sumer teased - Atharva, don't be a spoil sports buddy!
You will get plenty of time with your fiance but don't you think we deserve a treat, after all we all flew all the way from India just to set you guys up.
At least you can give us a treat for our hard work!

Atharva rolled his eyes and Nimmi laughed when he made a face!

She finally spoke - Atharva, let's go!
These guys really deserve a treat!

Atharva sighed but agreed.

Hawww! Bhai you hurt me!
When I asked to go....you denied...But one sentence from Bhabi and you are all ok!
Gosh! My Brother is a changed man! - pratik fake hurt

And they all laughed.

So it was decided, they were leaving to the club after changing into something comfortable.

Soon, they all gathered around the foyer. Atharva had already told Sumer that he would take Nimmi with him to which Sumer had chuckled.

Atharva looked back when he heard Nimmi giggling. She was talking with Pratik and Naina.

He gesttured her to come to his bike but she shrugged and he glared.

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