Punished By The Tigress

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Thank you guys!
For the unconditional Love and Support.

Atharva and Nimmi crossing 100k reads is something I had not imagined but it feels so nice to enter the Club.

And I am really sorry for keeping you guys all waiting for this update but I have been buys on professional front.

Now, let's see what Nimmi has in store for the villian!

Writer's pov

The entire warehouse was filled with silence, even though it looked abandoned from outside, from the inside, it was laced with cctv cameras and all the guards that were assigned, stood with hard jaws.

It was a place Sumer used to deal with his rivals.

Nimmi and Sumer walked in and then he towards one of the guards and spoke something in a low voice and the guard nodded at him.
Sumer took nimmi to a room where a cctv screen was playing.
And watching the footage, Nimmi cursed bad.

That bloody filthy piece of shit!
After putting Atharva in danger, He is smoking without a care!
I will kill him Today! - she gritted her teeth

Calm down your Anger Princess!
You have my word, he will die a slow and painful death! - sumer spoke

I want to meet him Bhai! - nimmi gritted

I don't think it's a good idea nimmi! Trust me I will take care of him! - sumer assured

No Sumer!
He needs to know that I am not weak!
He needs to see my wrath! - nimmi spoke firmly

Sumer sighed but he knew, nimmi needed a closure with that douche bag. So he agreed and lead her to the room where Sanjay was held captive.

Before nimmi could step in, sumer held her hand and spoke - Promise me, you will not d anything stupid Nimmi!
I don't want you to have dirt in your hands because of that bastard!

Nimmi just nodded and walked inside the room like a hungry tigress!

And as if sensing the movements, Sanjay looked up and for a fraction, his face was surprised but he masked it looking at Nimmi who was unpredictably calm.

Ah! I finally see someone, I was wishing for!
What a pleasant surprise Miss Nimmi Joshi!
Wait! I thought you were getting married today?
Awe! Did the guy again ditched you?
I didn't know he would get bored so soon?
I mean come on, just to cancel the marriage, he ran into an accident!
Tsk... Tsk.... Tsk!
Poor you Nimmi!
I am so sorry, that your beautiful castle crumbled under my feets!
All it took is just a few calls and Bam!

You two are separate again! - he circled her and then sat sat on the sofa like a filthy ungrateful person that he was.

Nimmi walked up to him ever so slowly, her face devoid of any expression, sanajy could not understand her face and was so confused....he thought that he would see a vulnerable and crying Nimmi but then.... She on the hand looked so determined....as if reading his mind....Nimmi then smirked right looking his eyes and laughed at his misery.

Sanjay! Oh Snajay!

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Oh Snajay!

How naive of you!
You thought that I would be crying and begging like before?
And, are You Sure, I am still a Miss? - she raised her eye brow

Sanjay's eyebrows narrowed in thin line and he opened his mouth to say something.... But Nimmi laughed again.

Just look at you Sanjay!
You are so clueless! - she tsked

And next thing , She slapped him so hard that blood same out of his lips. Sanjay was not prepared for the blow... His face jerked to the other side because of the force...Slowly, he just touched his cheeks in utter shock.

What did you think that I will keep mum as always?
You filthy shit! How dare you even think to harm my Husband????
I will rip your head off your body today! - she roared and Sanjay flinched at his place

Sumer could not believe that this roaring tigress was his baby sister. And the shocked look on Sanjay made his laugh internally. He literally had to bite his inner cheeks to prevent a laugh.

Nimmi twisted his arms and spoke - I spared you last time because I was broken and a bastard like you did not deserve any reaction from me!
Stealing my designed and breaking my trust was still forgivable but this time.... This time you crossed all Limits.

You dared to harm my Atharva, my Husband!
I will make sure, you are taken care of, this time for real!!!

Husband!?! - Sanjay could hardly whisper

Nimmi chuckled - Yes! Husband!
We are already married Sanjay!

What did you think, we were not aware of your tricks?
The moment I found out that You were the one who played with my privacy!
We were alert and guess what, we got married too!
But that's not something you could have stopped anyways.
Atharva and Nimmi can never be separated you Jerk!
And believe you me, it takes all my will power to not kill you with my own hands as I promised Sumer Bhai.! - she spat

Just thank you stars that, Atharva is safe and he will gain consciousness soon, otherwise even I don't know what I would have done to you! - she added pushing him with full force

And I Filth like you, don't deserve my time!
Because, I have a wedding to attend!
I am happy with this one blow....this will remind you never to mess with me and my loved ones.!
Besides, I am sure....Sumer Bhai also wants to equal the scores! - she smirked

And on a queue, Sumer walked in and Hi Fived with Nimmi and smirked at Sanjay.

Well hello Sanjay!
Ready for my Punches? - he said sarcastically and punched Sanjay straight on his face without a warning

Snajay yelped in pain and received another blow from Sumer.

He held him by his collar and spat -
Your game is Over Sanjay!
Just thank your stars that Atharva is still recovering, otherwise God save you from his wrath!
And I dare you, if you tried to pull any more stunts, I swear I will not hesitate to fire all the bullets my gun has!

He kicked him in stomach and Sanjay just bellowed in pain.

Satisfied with his condition, nimmi walked out of the room followed by sumer.
He ordered his guards to take care of him in their ways.
He was giving some instructions, when
Nimmi's phone ringed.

It was from the hospital, her heartbeats raised, she was nervous to lift the call but at the same time she wanted to know what they had to say!

Her face brightened thinking if Atharva was up!
She quickly takes the call and the other person spoke something to her.

Sumer watched her narrowing his eyebrows.

Tears began to flow from her eyes before she could realise and In an instant, Sumer was holding her securely.

He asked - What's happening Nimmi?
Why are you crying?

But she just wiped her tears and ran outside the warehouse....Followed by a confused and tensed Sumer.!

What was Happening???

Ta Da!
Sorry, for this but I am grinning at my evilness!
Keep guessing guys what just happened?
Did you like our feisty Nimmi?

What do you think why she was crying?
Will she be getting married to Atharva according to the rituals as well or is it too late?

Do you guys want an Epilogue after the End.?
Or one or two Bonus chapters?
Let me know in the comments and do not forget to Vote please!

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