The Engagement

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Hello my beautiful souls,
Today I give you another update for this story. I know you must be wondering why I did not update for past couple of weeks. It was a personal issue that needed my attention.
But I am sorted now, so I promise I would be now updating atleast one chapter each week.

Stay tuned and enjoy the reading.

The moment when you start to realise that you deserve better and you need to let go of do!

Both Atharva and Namrata hearts beat in a rythm. And they are asked to exchange the rings. However, Atharva took her hand in a very gentle way and took out a blue velvet box from his tuxedo and slid a precious ring that is not just any ring but it was his mother's. A rare, uncut pink diamond in a gold band and later he took the one they had selected for Namrata and slid that one too sealing their fates together. He looked into her eyes with so much emotion as his heart was trying to convey the amount of trust he has developed for her, in this short period. Namrata however, could not read the exact emotion but yet she assured him through her beautiful eyes.
Wow! Bhai, that ring....that ring is mother's! It's so romantic! - exclaimed his sister and everyone awed at his cute gesture.

Namrata was speechless again, as she wondered why is it so easy for Atharva to trust her this easy....but soon she smiled and slid a beautiful ring in his ring finger.

Atharva looked at the ring and gave her a bright smile. Soon, they were asked to make few poses for their photoshoot to which both of them cutely blushed.
The youngsters hooted and awed at their cuteness.

Soon, DJ played a romantic number and all the youngsters pushed the newly engaged couple to the dance floor. Namrata seemed's been a long time that she had been on a dance floor, that too with a guy.

Atharva asked holding his hand out - Shall we?

She nodded in a no but he assured her with his deep eyes that he is there for her.

She took his hand and they stood close to each other, moving swiftly to the soft tunes of music...their proximity is creating a new emotion within them but they are not able to voice them out.
Namrata eyes the ring he made her wear and sighed.

What is it ? - asked Atharva

Why did you trust me this easily? - asked Namrata

A - Because my heart asked me to!

N - But heart can be deceitful!

A - Trusting is my decision, proving me right or wrong is yours.

N - You do know that I have trust issues. Why did you give me your mother's ring. I dont know much about her but what I could read, I know she holds a very emotional sentiment for you.

A - Yes, that is true! She is and will always be my source of living.

N - Then, how could you trust me enough to carry her belongings.?

A - It was her wish.!

N - Hun?

A - I was very fond of her ring. I always asked her to give it to me. She would laugh and say "it's a woman's ring" I can not give to you my son but some day I will. I asked her when and she lovingly patted my cheeks and said " The day you find a woman that your heart tells you that she is rightfully yours, make her wear this".

Namrata just stared blankly at his face... not able to say anything.... That's when he said...

Now I am starting to believe, It's you!

Namrata lowered her eyes and whispers " don't trust me so much, Atharva, I may not be worth it"

He replied -  I don't know, what is there between you and me that binds me with you but I can say " have enough courage to trust again, one more time"

With that he stepped away from her and she missed the warmth, she received from Atharva but could not recognise. She herself is puzzled at her inner turmoils.

Everyone cheered and claps for them, oblivious to see their inner conflicts.

Atharva cleared his throat and said - I will go speak with my family, regarding the wedding know....our deal....

She held his hands and their eyes met for a couple of seconds and then she said - You need not go and talk about it anymore....may be I am thinking to start trusting again....and may be I can!

That brought a lingering smile on Atharva's face and he exclaimed - That's my Girl!

And Namrata just stayed stunned at the sudden words.

I....I...mean....ummm....not in that way....I....mean....never mind...! - Atharva thinned his lips and walked away.

The Engagement party is successfully over and both the families bid their farewells.

Leaving two hearts, tied together unknown to their own self.

People, how do you find the chapter? Leave your comments and please give it a star.

I shall see you all soon!

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