Never Have I Ever

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New update is Here!

Sumer's pov

Did I Hear correct!!!
Did she really say YES???

What are you thinking Nimmi!?!
I hope you are doing this with all your heart!
Atharva is not someone to play with!

Many questions are roaming inside my head. When I got a call from Athrava, I had no idea that she already had said yes. I was just out of town for a day....I hope this is no trouble coz I really wish Athrava to get all the love he is deprived of since his early age. In this short time, we have become good friends. I don't want his heart to bear a heartbreak.

After about 2 hours, Atharva called me again and updated on the recent developments with Nimmi. I got relieved from hearing his cheerful words.
That reminded me to organise a small get together with the soon to be groom's family. Ofcourse only the youngsters. I think this will also help both these tube lights to get to know each other better.

Also, you will be able to understand your feelings towards Pari!
Oh just shut up! No hanky-panky man!
It's for Atharva and Nimmi!

I created an inter-family group in snapchat and invited all of them to my farm house, this evening.

Everyone agreed after a little bit of emotional blackmail.
I know, I am the Best!

At the Farm house

I reached early at my Farm house and asked my staff to organise the living area a little more to lift up the party spirit.

Soon, Nimmi arrived with Kirti. They helped me with few appetizers and drinks. I asked my cook to prepare Dinner for all.
Nimmi avoided me for any questions but later told me That she is happy with her decision.

Soon, the door bell rang.
There were three black Audis near the porch.
I went to bring them in. Nimmi and Kirti waited inside.
There stood the group of younger Singhanias.
Atharva, Pratik, Himanshu and one more girl, I haven't met earlier.

My Girl is missing!!! My Girl!!!! Really Sumer!

Anyways, Athrava said - Sorry guys! Pari was not feeling well so she could not make it. But next time!
Later he introduced the new girl as Naina Talwar who happens to be their family friend. She looked close to Atharva and Pratik.

I don't know why but my inner self told me she could be a trouble maker!

But I shrugged that feeling away for the evening.

We sat in a circle and Everyone got introduced properly. Soon, appetizers and drinks were served.
Atharva and Namrata looked stressed yet stealing a few glances here and there.

These guys, I tell you!

We all discussed almost about anything and everything over dinner. We young bunch were really inspiring in one way or the other. And then I led them towards the Pool side to chill out.

Boys wanted to go inside the pool but kirti suggested to play games instead.
I thought it would be better to play few games to get to know eachother.

Pratik suggested to play "Truth and Dare" but Nimmi quickly refused.
Understanding her nervousness, Kirti suggested to play "Never Have I Ever".
All the boys agreed including Atharva but Nimmi was still not convinced.

Himanshu said - Bhai, now it is your duty to convince bhabi to say yes! Both Athrava and Nimmi looked embarrassed.
Atharva asked Nimmi to play for some time.
So, it was decided, we would play Never Have I Ever!

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