Caring But Fighting

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Hello beautiful readers!
I am overwhelmed with your response so far...and I am really feeling energised to write more and more chapters.
Just look at this!
We have come a long way!

 Just look at this! We have come a long way!

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So, thank you all!

Now, let's start with the chapter!

Close your doors. If something belongs in your life....or to will knock!

Writer's pov

Nimmi looked around in her was painted in beautiful beige with a coral tint.
She loved the open balcony and to her surprise, she saw Atharva had a balcony too, adjacent to hers.
She smiled at the only mode of connection between these two for now.

An idea came to her mind and she typed something in her mobile walking inside her new room.

She settled her clothes in the closet and she was happy to see the beautiful washroom attached to it.

She especially loved the vintage bathtub.

After all her work, she was famished.
She decided to go to the kitchen and cook something for herself.
And from there on, she wanted to go for some general shopping.

She walked towards the kitchen and she to her luck, Atharva was there making some coffee for him.
She watched him in awe....he looked really involved in his work....he didn't even notice her near him.

You know, it's bad manners not to offer coffee to your fiance! - she spoke playfully

Atharva got startled with sudden interruption and his coffee fell on his hands....burning his skin...he hissed in pain and glared at Nimmi.

Nimmi panicked - Oh My God!!! You... You are burnt..... I... I am... So... Sorry Atharva.... I.... Really... Didn't...

She held his hands and began blabbering - Where were you lost Atharva....look it has become red...oh must be burning so much... You should be careful's all my fault....i shouldn't have....

Just shut up!
Are you happy now!?!
You did it on purpose, right!?!
I knew it! You are here to trouble me!
Are you happy now??? - he shouted cutting her off

She ignored his hateful words and held his hand and blew soft air....she then hurriedly got some ice from the fridge and rubbed his hands with it.

Atharva was stunned... But soon...tried to snatch his hand from her hold but she didn't let it go.

She asked - where is the first aid box??
You need to apply some Anti inflammatory cream.

No need! It's not that Bad! I am fine!
Now, if you will leave my hand....i need to go for work! - Atharva spoke without an emotion

Nimmi just watched his retreating self.
Few tears gathered in the corners of her eyes but she quickly wiped them.

Gaining his forgiveness, now became a challenge for her. She decided that she will win him back no matter what.

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