Twenty Questions

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Hello beautiful people!

Thank you for your love and support!
Enjoy the new chapter!

Writer's pov

Atharva waited outside Namrata's office for her to come out. He had many thoughts going on in his mind. He had no idea what he is going to say to her.
Nobody from his home, had informed him about their engagement. He was baffled at nimmi's outburst. Already, they were facing troubles to sort out their feelings....and then suddenly this.

A strong sweet strawberry scent engulfed in the air and he shot his eyes up, only to look at the approaching figure.
His breath hitched!

Atharva's pov

Namrata walked in elegance, she is really some beauty from above!
She does not need to much cake up like other girls of her age as she is gifted with smooth skin and big lashes. She had the power to capture any heart!

What are you thinking man!
You are here to have a chat!
Stop oggling her!
She wouldn't appreciate! - my innerself scolded


I smiled at her approaching form.

She said - Thank you so much, for coming!
I really appreciate you mind going to a nearby restaurant, I am starving!

She pouted! Cute!

She cleared her throat for an answer. Shit!

Yeah yeah! problem...we can eat and talk! Don't you know any place...or you have a recommendation? - I asked embarrassed

She nodded and I opened doors for her and quickly came to my side and started the car.

I followed her instructions silently and soon We reached a Rajasthani restaurant.

Wow! I did not expect her to be Desi!
And definitely not the one liking traditional Rajasthani food.
Well, I am happy coz I like Rajasthani cuisine.
What! I am a fan of home cooked meal.

Let's go? - I heard her say

After you! - I smiled

The restaurant had a blissful interior with royal touch. I liked the cosiness.
We sat on the rooftop seats facing the sunset and the sea. Few Couples were enjoying the view holding hands.

It was very Romantic!

We quickly placed our orders and soon our food arrived. We started to eat and chat.

Atharva - So, tell me now, what happened exactly?

Namrata - and dad informed me that they are going to get ....ummmm .....get us....Engaged....on the 60th anniversary of our company. And soon, they would fix our marriage also after the engagement.
They did not give me a chance to even react. As if they had already decided. They said that your elders were also ok with this arrangement. I don't want to break their heart but also, I am not ready for this....not this soon.

She looked at me hopefully and I replied hesitant - Honestly, they have not informed me about it as yet. And I know it would not be comfortable for you to get engaged this early. But then
I thought about it the whole day and I thought what if we really get engaged.?

She gasped at my words!

I wanted to comfort her, hold her hand but I refrained. I know she is not comfortable around me.

I sighed and continued - Don't get me wrong.....I don't think I am in a position to deny family would not approve of the delay.....but there is a make you feel a little better....actually I have to go to Austria for 3 months ..which is just after 3 weeks.
So, even if we get engaged as per their wish, like you said ....I think there will not be a big problem to easily postpone the marriage also just by agreeing to get engaged as per their wish, we will have a upper hand to bargain. Meanwhile, I can convince them to postpone the marraige, you have my words for this.
Everything will fall in its place ...don't worry!
If you are ok with this then we will get engaged and then we both can negotiate to our families regarding the marraige date.

And don't worry, this engagement is not going to change anything between us ....atleast from my side.
I won't bother you.
I will be gone, anyways!
So, what do you think? - I asked nervously

She thought for a while and fidgeted with her fingers...she didn't seem to be pleased with my idea.
But she better knew, we had no escape.

She said with a deep breath - let's do this! But I am believing your words. Don't break my trust, I would not be able to take it!

I half smiled and nodded.

I paid the bill and we started to drop her at her place.

We both were silent In the car.
Suddenly, I let out a chuckle.

What happened? - she asked amused

I shook my head and said - Look at our fate, we both didn't want to commit to any kind of relationship but look, we are getting engaged.

She said - Atharva, it's not that I don't want to get married to you.... but I needed time .....and though I am not very sure about your idea ...or we don't know much about each other.....still I have faith in your words.

I believe you!

That brought a smile on my lips.

I looked at her and said - since we don't know much about each other, like you about we play 20 questions?

She smiled and said ok, you will start.

A - Birthday
N - 20th December
A - 14th July

N - favourite colours
A - Blue and Grey
N - Peach and Rose pink

A - favourite timepass
N - Books
A - Basketball

N - Favourite Food
A - Anything Home made
N - Biryani

A - Passion
N - Designing
A - Traveling

N - Happiest Moment
A - when I started Avni empires
N - when I got my first Job

A- Prized possession
N - My White Pearl Audi
A - My Giant Piano

N - Regrets

My body stiffened but I said - I couldn't love my parents much!

Namrata bit her lips and said - Hey! I am sorry ..I shouldn't have asked......I mean....I can be stupid sometimes....sorry I spoiled the game.

I could not utter a word. For once I thought, I could be normal with her But who am I I drove fast.

Within another 15 minutes we reached outside her Villa. She quickly got out of car and I followed her. I knew she was feeling guilty.

Don't think much, it's not fault.  I am ok ...I said.

She halted at her place.
She turn around and came real close to me. And For the first time, she looked straight into my eyes and said - I am sorry for your loss Atharva. I can feel the pain of loosing someone so close to your heart. But you need not be strong all the can let loose sometimes.

I saw sincerity and concern in her eyes.

She looked at me for some time and again spoke, with tears threating to fall out - The biggest regret of my life is that I fell in love with a wrong person! And now that I seem to find the right guy, I do not have the heart to love again.
I stood rooted at my place and she began to walk away but I moved close to her and hold her hand from behind and pulled her into a tight hug.

All my sadness begin to gather up. I felt her grabbing my waist and she began sobbing ....and surprisingly I also started to cry.

I could feel both our pain in that very moment...all that we went through. The warmth from her body felt so Real, Vulnerable and Honest!
We both were being our true selves to each other.

We both had our painful sorrows and we could not come out from its effects.....but That moment....being close to her, I felt we are just a decision away from a totally different life.
We both have lived in darkness but now, I am going to create our own sunshine.
And I will never let her go!

All my lovely readers, here is a new update. I hope you all will enjoy it reading. Please comment and vote for my story guys.
I will boost my morals.
See you all soon.

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