Possesive Fiance

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Hello guys!
It's time for some heroics!

Action Times Ahead!
Let's cheer for Atharva so that he is boosted and beat the villian Black and Blue when he finds him!

Atharva's pov

Today is the day, when my Beautiful Fiance would be adorning her hands in my name.
I was so frustrated that I was not able to see her beautiful face.

I have never waited for days to pass quickly like this. Each and every day is like a century for me.
I know, we have only a few days left when Nimmi would come into my life for real and for forever.

But still my heart is longing for her.
For her presence!
For her one Look!

But my elders, gosh!
They are giving me those stupid excuses that it's not auspicious to meet my bride before the wedding day.

Like really!

But anyhow I managed till today evening but looking at her mehendi clad hands, my heart is melting my brains.

But I am not going to listen to them now.

I want to just look at her face once.!
The glow she has for me!
I want to see her, so bad that i am on ny way to her place.

Yes, you read it right!

The Atharva Avni Singhania is going to sneak into her house, of more precisely her room.

And I have done before too, so I am confident!

I parked my car away from the farm house and walked upto the edge.
I could see the lights of her room were on.
She must be awake and I grinned.

And do you know, how am I planning to reach upto her room?

Give her a call?
That's so unromantic!

I want to do something unusual!

Any guesses??

Well, never mind!

I am going to climb the water pipe and reach her balcony.!

Risky much???

But a Love without any risks?
On a bright side, I will have stories to tell to my kids and grandkids!

I am really whipped!
But I don't mind!

I finally climbed at her balcony but my legs halted when I heard voices.

It didn't take me any second to guess it was Nimmi and Sumer talking!

But why at this hour and about what?

I decided to stay quite and listen to them secretly.

Eavesdropping is bad I know but not when it's my Fiance.!

And what I heard was earth shaking!
My fiance's privacy had been invaded and someone has been harassing her.

What the Fuck!

And she didn't tell me a thing, at all!

And were they talking about that douchebag, Sanjay?

What the heck is going on here?

I barged into them without a care... My face red with anger and my breath hot!

I needed answers!

Specially from my Fiance!

I heard both of their gasps and nimmi's eyes widened looking at me.

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