Bride & Groom

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Hello Beautiful People!
Let's see what we got in today's chapter.
What was the news that nimmi could not even wait for her brother and ran away!

Writer's pov

Words could not express what was going on Nimmi's mind.....the words she heard were enough to drain all her senses.
Not able to understand how to react at the news, all she could do was run!

Run as fast as she could!

Stunned at her recklessness, Sumer ran after Nimmi, calling her name repeatedly... But she didn't listen nor stopped.
Nimmi just ran to the car and before sumer could even reach her, she roared the engine and drove off.

He pressed the bridge of his nose in frustration.
His sister can be a handful sometimes!

On the other hand, nimmi reached the Hospital breaking all the traffic rules.

Panting and stumbling she reached the cabin where Atharva was.

Her foot halted at the sight in front of her!

Tears began to flow on their own accord and she could hardly manage a whisper with a heavy lump in her throat -


Who are you?
How did you come inside?
Who let you in? - Atharva spoke without an emotion on his handsome face

Wh.... What.... A.... Are... You even saying?
You don't know.. Me??? - color drained out of her face

A... Athar.... You... It's.... It's me!
Your Golden girl!
Nimmi.... Your wife! - nimmi hardly spoke

What the Hell!
I don't even know you miss!
How can I be married to you? - Atharva asked frowning, his tone dead flat

Atharva.... Wh... What happened??
Are you angry with me!!
Why are you speaking like this?
I am your wife Atharva! - nimmi spoke crying

She could not believe her Atharva was this cold to her.
W.... What is wrong with you? - she asked  holding his hand

But he herked away her hand flinching, as if her touch burned him.

Miss! I would suggest, you stay in your limits!
Where is my family? - he spoke pressing his forehead

A.... Atharva....dont... Please don't take stress.... I will call a doctor! - nimmi was now panicked and could not help but cried hiding her face in her palm

I don't need a Doc!
You tell me... How are you related to me?
You say.... You are my wife...but... But I don't remember getting married to you with all rituals! - Atharva spoke

Nimmi was so engrossed that she didn't notice the sudden change in his voice.
She kept crying on the turn of events.

And then she heard a voice.....a voice she can never forget!

It was Atharva's melodic laughter.!

She jerked up her face and saw Atharva laughing at her expense!

Realisation downed on her....and She fumed in anger, he was playing with her all this while....and here she was dying with every passing moment thinking the worst.
Her nose flared in anger and she harshly wiped away her tears, and the next thing, she threw herself on Atharva with full force, with out a care of his pain and injuries.

Woman! Ouch!
Easy there!
I am hurt, if you remember! - Atharva chuckled at her desperation

How dare you!
How dare you scare me like this?
I hate you Atharva! - nimmi glared

But he laughed some more! The corner of his eyes formed beautiful wrinkles and despite his conditions, and that pathetic hospital clothes, he looked Handsome.

He caressed her cheeks, wiping away the tears and said - I Love You Beautiful!

And I am sorry, but I was disappointed to not find you when I woke up.

So this was a little revenge!

Nimmi didn't say a word but tightened her hold on him causing a wince.

I... Thought... You left me!
Do you even have any idea, how much pain you caused me!
Why did you have to be this stubborn?
Why did you listen to that criminal?
Why didn't you tell me about your plan? - she fired so many questions without a breath

Atharva caressed her hair and kissed her forehead with love and spoke -
I am Sorry Wife!
I know, I was reckless!

But, I could not let him run away...but didn't expect that jerk to come up with this kind of dangerous plan too.

So, it's kind of back fired!
Please Forgive Me! - he made a puppy face

I am not going to let this go Mr. Singhania! - Nimmi glared
Do you have any idea how i survived this news?

I know baby!
I had you troubled, but please forgive me now!
Remember, we have a "Vivaah" To complete! - Atharva spoke

Nimmi lifted her face from his chest to see any kind of mischief but Atharva was firm.
Are you Serious?
I... I mean... It's not required.....We are already married Atharva!
And I don't want you to take ang stress! - she spoke holding his hands

Of course, it's Required!
I want to see you in a typical Bridal Avatar wifey!
It has always been my fantasy to unveil my bride's face on our first know what I mean! - Atharva teased playing with her lips

Gosh, you are so shameless Atharva!
Since our court marriage, All your brains  have been stuck on one track only! - nimmi hit his shoulder playfully

I will show you how shameless I can be, he said and claimed her lips into a toe curling kiss.
But their moment was interrupted by none other than Sumer!

My virgin eyes!
I can't believe Nimmi!
You left me all panicked for this!
Seriously, you guys are sucking each other's mouth on a hospital Bed!
How Very Romantic! - he spoke sarcastically, Making funny faces

Oh just Shut Up Sumer!
Or you want to tell Atharva about your little... Secret....?? - Nimmi raised her eyebrow

Getting the hint, sumer just fake coughed and nimmi mouthed - Thought So!

What's going on here? - atharva asked clueless

Err... Nothing Buddy!
Nimmi is... Just trying to act smart! - sumer chipped

Did I miss something? - Atharva narrowed his eyes

Oh Yes!
Of course you missed such a big Thing! - sumer spoke

And what is that? - Atharva asked

Your Big Fat Wedding My Friend! - sumer replied winking

Don't get excited Bhai!
Look at his conditions, how can we arrange the Wedding? I think it's not a good idea! - nimmi spoke in concern

Hey! It's alright!
I am ok now!
And he is write, I did miss my wedding! Our Wedding has to happen the traditional way, and I am not taking a no for an answer! - Atharva spoke

We will get married in the same way, we had planned!
Sumer, make the Arrangements Buddy!

The Groom is going to come to get his Bride with full style! - Atharva announced

Now we are Talking! - Sumer gave the thumbs up

I better go now, I have to Host a Wedding!
Come on now, nimmi!
You have to doll Up Sister! - he said and before atharva and nimmi could say anything he dragged her out of the room, leaving a cursing Atharva.

How was it guys?
Sorry again, I have been keeping very busy these days with work and personal things.
Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter!
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