Blind In Love

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Thank you guys so much for appreciating this story.
When I started this story, there was a time I was not sure whether I wanted to continue this story anymore but a few friends and dedicated readers gave me hope and I resumed the story.

So thank you guys so much for your support.
Now let's start with the chapter.

Naina's pov

As you must have noticed me by now, let me introduce myself to you all properly

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As you must have noticed me by now, let me introduce myself to you all properly.

I am Naina Talwar, 23 years old, the soul heir of The Talwars.
Being a princess of my family, I have always got whatever I wanted in my life so far.
But that does not mean I am spoilt or unreasonable.
I have been working hard on my own too, in order to prove myself that I am worthy of My Heritence.

My dad is very good friends with Atharva's family since a very long time. We are more like family. We all kids grew up together and I am very close with Atharva and Pratik but with time I fell hard for Atharva.
Falling for him was never tough....he is Magnetic...He was never very talkative and did not pay much attention to me...but I grew up watching his every moves...his quiteness disturbed me and I always pursueded him to open up. And with time he did too.

I fell in love with him hard when I was just a teen.
And being the princess, I was told I could have anything I wished for....and I wanted Atharva....and I was sure that he is going to be mine.

Because when I spoke about my interests in Atharva, more than a friend, my father was more than happy to talk with the Singhanias about our alliance.

But I had to leave country due to some business urgency and I kept my feelings aside as It is my responsibility to look after our business matters.

I was away for about six months but the moment I landed in India, I regretted that I had gone for so long.

Atharva was engaged to Namrata Joshi, who is a Jewelry Designer, I am sure you all know her.
My heart broke and no matter what I did, what I was told, I could not accept this new development.

When I heard the news that Atharva got engaged to someone else, I felt a dagger has been stabbed in my chest.

I wanted to confront him but I did not know with what rights. To him, I was just a family friend.
I actually lashed out on Pratik too...because I felt he purposely hide this news from me.

But then he told me something that I could not believe.
He had said - Atharva is falling in Love with his fiance.

I had cried a lot in his arms that night and he like a true friend stayed by my side.

The next morning I had woken up in his arms and when I looked at him...his eyes were giving a very familiar look.

His eyes were full of concern but if I am not wrong he had love in his eyes.

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