Pay Back Time

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Thank you so much guys for 100k reads!

I am so so happy that finally, my third story has also entered into the 100k clubs.
Guys, since this story is towards its end, kindly give a try at "The Scarlet Legend"

 Guys, since this story is towards its end, kindly give a try at "The Scarlet Legend"

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It's a new story with a new concept and you can find it in my profile/list.

It's about a ferocious Lion Legend and his Human mate who is a chaste heart Belle. The story is going to be filled with chills, secrets of the jungle, romantic jitters, some strange fantasies and also it includes a bad ass Villian.
Do give it a try, I promise, You won't be disappointed!

Now without further delay, let's see what is happening with Nimmi and Atharva!
Is Atharva going to be ok?
Will they have their happily ever after!

Nimmi's pov

Have you ever felt suffocated in your throat?
Isn't that excruciatingly painful?

And The more you try to help it subside, the more it becomes choking!

I am feeling the same right now!

I dont know where I am right now, it's all seem too dark and gloomy. I can however feel someone shaking me....Calling my name, but I can't seem to register them.

All I could think was Atharva!
I felt as if I am going to loose him!

I have a real bad feeling that he is going to leave me behind.
But the truth is I can never be ready for him to leave me in the middle.

And that thought itself stabbed me hard in my heart!
If he is not there in my life, I think I can not Live another second.

How can he decide to leave this?
He has no rights to decide the fate of our marriage alone!

I can't let him go!

I saw him walking away from me and I ran after him calling out his name...but he just got vanished in mist.

Atharva! - I screamed

I opened my eyes and saw Sumer bhai, hovering over my face and his eyes filled with tears and he was continuously rubbing my plams.

He could not even realise that I was back in my senses.

He was still calling my name.

W......w.....where is he? - I asked

Sumer stilled hearing my voice but jerked his eyes to meet mine and cried harder - Oh my babygirl!

You scared me!
How could you do this to me? - he added

I am asking a damn question Sumer!
Where is Atharva? - I almost shouted don't remember?
He is.. He is in Hospital! - he replied not meeting my eyes

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