The Thread Of Trust

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Number 22 on #emotioalrollercoasterride

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Namrata's pov

Life is Unexpected! I never thought I would be standing scared like this in my life.

Yes, I am scared!
Scared of trusting people around me!

But today, i am feeling different.

I want to trust again!
I want to listen to my heart once again!

And there is only one person who is behind this battle between my heart and mind and ie: Atharva Avni Singhania

He makes me believe on my judgements again....he makes me feel the courage to love again!

I think I am going to open up to him!
Give him a Fair Chance!

My thoughts were interrupted by a beep on my mobile.

Atharva - Hey! Did I tell you how much beautiful you looking tonight!

And that brought smile to my lips.

Namrata - Yes, you did!

Atharva - Poor me! I didn't get any compliment!

I didn't know what to say to that.
Is he trying to flirt with me!

Atharva - Is that my imagination.... Or are you Blushing!?!

What!!! I touched my cheeks and found them warm.....How did he know!!!

Namrata - Nothing like that!

Atharva - Atleast tell me I was presentable!

I giggled at his choice of words!

Namrata - Hmmm... Almost Presentable!!!

Atharva - Chalo! At least you looked at me!

Namrata - Good night!

Atharva - Always smile like this nimmi, Good night!

I turned and looked myself at the mirror and I did not realize, I was smiling for so long... And a genuine smile!

This feels really good!

I guess, you glow differently when you are actually Happy!

Atharva, you are giving me hopes!
I am starting to Trust you!

Next few days went by. Atharva became busy with some construction project and I became busy with new design projects. But at the end of the day, we both made it  a deal that we talked almost every day.

Atleast Atharva did!

My heart was still hesitant to take an initiative but whenever Atharva called or texted.... I tried not to avoid.
I really wanted us to give a Fair chance!

It was a weekend when Atharva asked me out for a lunch date. And as a gentleman he is.... He also took permission from my parents. So here I am getting ready to meet him.

I decided to wear a Royal Blue knee length dress paired with uncut diamond studs and kept my make up simple.
I was ready.

He is supposed to pick me up from my place at 11:30.

I was arranging my clutch when I heard my mobile ring. I guess, he is here!

I was to about to lift when I saw... It was an unknown number.

I thought who this could be... But anyways lifted the call and I heard a very familiar voice.

Hello My Lady!

My heart dropped his beats... It was Him!

He chuckled - Surprised?

I could not utter a word!

Say something Jaan, I missed you princess! - He said

Shut Up! How dare you.! - I yelled

He laughed evil - I like when you are angry my lady!

I was about to hang up but his next words froze me fingers.

So, All ready to lure that Rich guy! - He spoke cunningly

What? - I whispered

Come on! Don't be surprised now.... I keep a track of my loved ones.... And yiu, my lady, tops the list! - he said

Just Shut up Sanjay! - I yelled

He laughed - You rich people are so manipulative na! I tried to become rich for you... but you ditched that some billionaire is pursuing you.... You will overlook all his tricks!

What the hell Sanjay khurana! Stay in your limits! - I yelled

Oh my sweet little love! Don't act innocent now! Who do you think could pay me so high for your precious designs all this time! - he quoted

What do you mean!?! - I asked

It was this rich billionaire of yours Nimmi! I just sold your designs to him but he is one step ahead.... Look....he is all in to make you permanently with him... So that he can use your skills! - he said

You are lying! I don't believe you! Now don't waste my time! - I said annoyed

I will tell you on your own language babe!
You don't need mirrors to look at your Bangle in your wrist! Rest you are smart enough! - he smirked and hung up

I was shivering....i didn't know how to calm myself....i am sure I can not survive another blow. But what if Atharva is really behind all this.? No! He can't be! He is a pure soul! But about the things that useless excuse of a human said...could it be hold on the thread of Trust was loosening. I was brought to reality when My intercom ringed and I was informed of his arrival.

I nervously descended the stairs and saw him chatting happily with mom and dad. This guy really had his ways with people.

Is this possible to have two faces. Atharva does not look anything like that bastard said. He can not do any wrong! I shouldn't believe whatever I heard from that cheater!

But internally my belief was shaking.... After all how much I knew Atharva! He could be playing with me.... NO! Just stop thinking negative nimmi! He is not behind all this! Have faith!
He can not break your heart!

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