Marry Me?

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Now, let's start with the chapter.

Writer's pov

Finally things have been at peace.
Nimmi insisted Atharva to forgive Naina.
He was earlier hesitant but when she told him that pratik has feelings for Naina, he agreed.

He was surprised how she got to know when he had not a slightest of ideas.

Nimmi spoke - Even a blind can sense his feelings for her!

The way he yearned that she should be heard said it all Atharva.

Does she know? - Atharva asked referring naina

Nimmi sighed and nodded her head in negative.
But we must help Pratik....i could feel his pain...the pain he has been suppressing in his heart...the pain when the person you love, loves Someone else. - added nimmi

Arey, what can we do?
If he has feelings for her then why didn't he say about it all these years? - Atharva frowned

But I am glad you found out! - he added

Nimmi mocked - You are so unromantic Mr. Singhania!

Atharva smirked and asked - Am I??

Yes, you are! - she teased

He held her by her waist and asked again - Should I show you how much of a romantic I am?

Alarmed by his advance, nimmi tried to push him away....but he been to tickle her.

She giggled - Atharva leave me..... Stop... Please.... My stomach hurts...please... Ahahahha.... Hhhaa....

First you say that I am the most romantic person you know! - he didn't leave her

O... Ok... Ok... Fina... You are the most romantic person I know..! - she cracked up in her laughter

Atharva just adored her laughing carefree face.

Go out on a date with me nimmi! - atharva asked adorably looking in her eyes

Are you trying to be romantic mister? - she asked cockily

I am just trying to pamper my lady! - he winked

Nimmi giggled and said - i would love that!

Infact, Why don't you start pamper me right this moment? - nimmi wiggked her eyebrows like a baby

How so? - Atharva asked

I am hungry! - she pouted

Atharva bowed in front of her like a professional and spoke - Right at your service ma'am!

At has been 5 days and nimmi's head bandage is removed and she is feeling no pain.

And today is the day, Atharva is taking her on a date.

She is quite nervous...but a good nervous....because she knew Atharva will take care of her.

It's evening time and atharva is all ready to woo his ladylove.

He has planned so much for tonight.

Atharva has never been good with expressing words.....the lack of his parental shelter had made him a quite person. He did have his loving grandparents and uncle and aunt and the crazy siblings but he was never emotional strong. He didn't want anyone to know his weak side so he had built walls all around him.
But nimmi has managed to knock on those walls and successfully entered his Heart.

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