The Real Culprit

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Hello guys!
Finally, I am back with this story, please support me in this journey!
I will try giving the updates on a weekly basis.
I have the whole storyline registered in my mind...just have to pen down.
So, kindly be patient.

Now let's enjoy the chapter.

Writer's pov

The whole Joshi family is shocked to know that Atharva has already left for Austria. He didn't even meet them or nimmi.
Both Akash and Sharada were surprised at his behavior and they talked about it but nimmi was not showing any interested.
She infact thanked her stars that he left early.

Weeks passed and things began to go on their own accord.
Atharva got busy in Austria and Nimmi was busy in her work.

The Singhanias were surprised too as Atharva now sounded distant. He would call only once in a while and just spoke the needful. They tried to ask if everything was ok....But he just gave petty excuses.

His chhoti ma, Neeta talked about the marriage plans but he ignored her saying that his project would take time.

They all knew something must have happened as few weeks back, Atharva was really accepting this new relationship...and seemed happy too.
But now, he seemed lost.

So, Ajay and Neeta decided to talk to the Joshis about this matter.
But to their surprise, They also spoke same about nimmi.

It was not hard for them to guess, that something wrong has happened between these two.

So, Sumer was summoned to extract the details.
Sumer asked the design team about any incidences that they found weird in past few weeks.

Then he watched every cctv footage and finally, he found something...and he was angry!

He decided to take the matter in his hands.

Both Singhanias and Joshis trusted him.

He called Atharva's siblings and they gave him the required information.

Firstly, he went to meet that Sanjay, who is currently rotting in jail. He decided to get the complete information from that bastard Sanjay, himself.

Holding his collar, he asked - why did you call my sister and instigated against Atharva???

The answers he hot in return boiled his blood and he hit him black and blue.

After his investigation, he finally decided to confront Nimmi.

Next Day

Sumer barges in Nimmi's cabin and angrily banged his fist on her table making her startled.

He shouted - What the Hell Nimmi!
Do you have any idea what did you do?

Nimmi was not expecting this kind of sudden question from her brother.

She asked - What are you talking about Bhai!

Namrata, i telling you, Do not push me!
Just tell me, why did you insult Atharv like that? - Sumer glared her

So, you are here to support that cheater! - she shot back with anger in her voice

Mind your tongue Lady! - sumer was no less

He continued - Atharv is a self made man!
And what blunder have you done this time?
He is about to call off the wedding.

Let it be! Even I am not interested in this marraige! - nimmi seethed

Sumer huffed because he knew, his anger was not going to get him answers. So, he spoke softly this time - What happened Nimmi?
Why did you fight with him?

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