You are My Home

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An Early Update especially for my dedicated readers!
Let us see what is happening between Sumer and Atharva.

And is nimmi awake???

Atharva's pov

Both Sumer and I walked out of the doctor's cabin and silence consumed us.

Sumer was taking longer breaths trying to control his outburst.

None of us spoke.

Both of us sighed sitting on the iron bench outside nimmi's cabin.

I broke the silence - I am so sorry Sumer!

I know you trusted me with nimmi, but I failed you.

But trust me I had no idea, Naina would act this absurd.

I had no idea, she had a thing for me....believe me I never gave her any wrong signals.. Infact she was never anything more than a family friend.

Sumer spoke - I knew she was upto something, the moment I had seen her back in my farmhouse with you guys.
I never trusted her!
But what was she thinking barging into your office and professing her love after she knew you belonged to someone else!

And how dare she kiss you?

If she loved you, she would have spoken earlier.
This is only going to complicate things.

I jerked my head to his side and gritted my teeth.

You very well know I want only nimmi!
She has my heart for this life time, sumer!
There would never be a naina..or any other girl for the fact! - I spoke firmly

Sumer sighed - I trust you Atharva, I know you love my baby sister.
But you don't know nimmi!

She has her own mind!
She believes what she wants to believe!

I don't think it's going to be easy for you, once she is awake!

I have this fear that She is going to separate herself from you!
She is very stubborn!

Sumer, remember this...There is no way on this earth, that she can separate herself from me!

She wouldn't Dare!
The moment I slipped that ring in her finger, she became Mine!

And I am very much possessive about my belongings.
And She Belongs To Me!

I would rather kidnap her and lock her forever with me if she even tries to go away from me! - I spoke coldly

Woah! I am Impressed Atharva!
I never knew this side of yours Buddy!
Seems like, Nimmi has finally got her Match! - sumer chuckled

Sumer added - Hey Atharva, you need to change buddy!
You look like a disaster!

Nimmi would not like to see you like this when she awakes!

Ha Ha! Very Funny Sumer!
I am not going anywhere leaving her in this bloody hospital! - I spoke

He patted my shoulder and replied -

Athrava, I am here...don't worry about her...And besides the doctor said that it will take another few hours right?
Go home, get freshened up and come back.
I will be in touch, Ok?

And also, you need to be prepared to face her wrath! - he winked


But I knew I need to shower and change into fresh clothes also I will get a few things for sumer and nimmi as well.

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