A Partner For A Lifetime

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Marriage gives you a fair chance at reaching your true Love!

Atharva's room

Atharva reached to his room and started to settle down. He looked at the envelope, his Chachu gave, and sighing, he put it on his side table.

He opened his laptop and began looking into some of the business files.

He heard a knock and said "Come in please".

Mrs. Neeta entered the room.

Atharva said- Chhoti maa, you know you don't have to knock....you can come in anytime.

Mrs. Neeta said- I know beta, she then kept a cup of warm coffee and stood there for a while.

Chhoti maa you want to talk about something? Asked Atharva.

Yes, Atharva. Replied Mrs. Neeta sitting beside him on his bed.
What do you think of the proposal?

Atharva felt uneasy and said- Chhoti maa, you know I am not against marriages but I don't have it in me to love someone. I don't know if I can fulfill the duty of a true life partner.

She said- You know beta, when I was 21, I wanted to go to UK and study Fine Arts.
But my parents were reluctant, that time was different...people used to marry off their kids around that age. I was no exception. They wanted me to get married and settled. But I had better dreams....I decided to talk to the proposed guy. But nobody allowed me to meet the future groom and I had no say. Finally, I got married and I met my Husband for the first time that day. That was your Chachu, Ajay!

We both were given no time to know each other and we both were confused about our feelings. Things were going as per the customs and somehow I couldn't open up to him but He felt my uneasiness and took me out in a park and that day we both spoke our hearts out. I told him about my wishes, to study....and my god to my surprise he was very understanding....he then talked with your grandparents and let me pursue my dreams. And my opinion changed ...we became friends in no time and later the perfect life partners to each other.
This is how marriages works. Both the partners have to nurture their new Bond and together they have to lead the path of love and care.

Marriage is a very sacred bond my dear and I am sure it will fill your loneliness with happiness and a reason to cherish your partner.

And Nimmi is a very nice girl as far as I have heard. Give it a thought beta, I have a feeling, she is the one for you! She can be your perfect partner for life.

With that she patted his back lovelingly and left him thinking.

Atharva decided to open the envelope. But for some unknown fear he couldn't and decided to sleep on it.

Tomorrow he will let his family know about his decision.

Namrata's room

She was standing in her balcony watching the stars in the clear sky.

Princess, I got you your favourite cold coffee. It was her father, Mr. Joshi.

He asked giving her the mug- What are you thinking my princess?

Namrata said- Daddy you know I always believed in love looking at you and mom. I let my heart open and see where I landed.... betrayed....with a broken heart. I have no courage left in me to take such a big step so soon.
I don't think I have it in me anymore. Tears rolled down her eyes.

Mr. Joshi hated her tears and he took her in his arms and patted her head.

I know princess...I understand your feelings. He said.

I know beta, you are still not over that bad phase but life has to move on my princess. I am not asking to settle right away but I am only asking you to think about this proposal. Atharva is a gold of a person. He is a self made man despite facing the hardships of his share. We have known his father since my childhood. They are nice people.
I have a feeling he will be able to fulfill all your dreams and would be a perfect life partner.

Take a look at his details and let us know about your decision but I also wish you would say a yes!

With that he left her thinking.

You don't know daddy, I am broken from insides and I don't want to ruin anyone's life. She thought.

She decided to call it a night that's when her eyes went on the envelope kept on her bed. She sighed and let it go.

I will tell my decision tomorrow.

They Both were unsure about their feelings for this new phase of their lives. But what is meant to happen will happen... For life had its own plans for them.

So, guys another update!
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