it's a Yes!

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Nimmi's pov

Why am I feeling restless....why do I have a pang in my heart when he left, without saying anything. I wanted this proposal to get cancel so I did the needful...but why do my heart keep nagging to say the opposite!

Atharva seemed a nice guy and a gentleman, ofcourse!

Have I a committed a mistake by opening up. Should I give it a thought like he said.?

Oh Nimmi! Do not think much. You want this. You can not be with anyone. Marriage just does not seem right.!

Yeah! Don't think much, everything is going to be fine.

But what if mom asks about my decision....what if Atharva wants to meet me again....what if...he.....wwowoowwo!!! Hold on crazy miss Nimmi!!!

My thoughts were disturbed by none other than The Sumer! Which reminds me to ask him about his weird behaviour since the time they left. He seems lost!

Hey prettiness!!! - He greeted which is really unusual.... something is definitely up with guy!

Anyways, I chuckled - Hey Handsome! Where are you lost!

Who! Me? Nah sis! Infact I was going to ask you the same but you ate my words. Hah! - He retorted

Now, tell me what did you think of this proposal or better how do you find Atharva as a life partner? - He asked me

I said - What is there to say! You know my decision already! I am not ready to get married.....atleast not now?

I wanted to be firm but it can out has a question instead.

That caught him. He said - Don't deny your feelings Nimmi. I saw you two...there was something unsaid ..unseen ..unknown between you two. Besides, Atharva seemed a genuine guy.
Tell me, what did you guys talk about?

Umm...we just shared our opinion on arranged marriage. And we both decided that it is not meant for us!
He was not sure, just like me!

He asked me if I was forced into this or I want to meet him again under different ambiance. He asked me to sleep over it and decide! -  I said slowly

Sumer said : This guy is really a gentleman! He patted my head like a true brother and continued -

Nimmi, I know this whole marriage thing came up so sudden. But let me tell you, Atharva could be the one for you. I can see the sincerity and the genuineness in his eyes. That guy has seen a lot of hardship in his early years, which we could not even imagine.
About he not being sure, what I can tell is, may be he is afraid because he thinks he is not able to offer the love like a life partner should. He was not fortunate enough to see much of his real parents. Did you notice, how uncomfortable he was looking at the loving bond that our parents share.? How he longed to see his own parents,  professing their undying love.

He is scared to open up to a complete stranger. He has locked his heart but still he is longing love.

May be that's why, he could not say a NO, straight away!
He is in a dilemma, Nimmi...Just like you!

I looked into his eyes, he was also in pain. How is it possible that this brother of mine, could read people so easily.! He was feeling Atharva's pain when I was just finding reasons to block him.

I snapped his fingers giving me a sad smile and said - I don't want you to settle just because I feel, this proposal is the right one! But open your heart and don't be stubborn, can you do that, han?
Both Bade Papa and Badi maa are expecting your answer. Just think over the night and let me know, I will handle everything!

He kissed my forehead and left me thinking!

I guess, I will sleep over it and decide!What is happening to me, I should better call it a night!

Atharva's pov

I reached home, and without saying a word I left to my room and dashed onto my bed. I was tired. I just needed a warm realxing shower. So I did..!

When I came out of the bathroom, I was greeted by my Princess, my pari!

She patted her hands on my bed beside her, asking me silently to sit with her.

I followed and sat there.

She said - Bhaiya, so what have you decided? You did not speak a word after you two talked, is everything ok?

Ofcourse Pari! Everything is fine not worry so much!
And about the decision, I haven't made up my mind, yet! Besides, I want this marriage to happen without any pressure from both the families. -
I replied her holding hands

So, you did not feel any butterflies seeing her? - she asked pouting

I chuckled and said - Hey I did not know, we had butterflies in our stomach!

She stood and put her hands on her hips and said - Oh come on Bhaiya! You know you can't fool around me! I saw you, stealing glances at her. So, tell me honestly, are you going to say yes or no to the marriage?

Pari, I think, we both need some time. -  I replied and she just rolled her eyes

Bhaiya, whatever you decide, give this relationship a fair chance. And about Nimmi Bhabhi, I think, she is the one for you! - With that she left me puzzled.

I wondered, how could she be this sure about Namrata!

I just shrugged! I think I will take some time to process everything that we both talked.
This is a life time commitment we are talking about, afterall!
Plus, I want her to accept me fairly.

In the morning, around 10 am, Mrs. Neeta received a call from the Joshis. She was super happy to know that Nimmi had said yes to the marriage. Her happiness knew no bounds!!!
She yelled happily at the satff in kitchen, call every one!!!! We have a news to celebrate!!

Atharva came to the living room, along with everyone.
Looking at a twirling Neeta, Mr Ajay asked-
What happened Neeta! You seem so much happy??
Have you won a lottery or what???

Oh yes dear! I have won a Lottery .....infact all of you won a lottery!!!! - replied she

Atharva get ready to be tied up for a lifetime!!!finally, you can have your own happily ever after! - she announced happily

Looking at the confused faces, she chirped - It's a Yes!!!!
And as those words seep in.... everyone did a happy dance, especially the young ones!!!!

Atharva was taken aback! How is this even possible! - He thought
What happened suddenly that, she said yes!?!
Is she under some family pressure??

I need to talk to Namrata.
He just left from there....he needed to clarify!!!

So guys! Finally a "YES"!!!
What do you all think about the progress of story? Leave your comments and please vote for me.
I will be back soon with another update!
See you all, keep reading!

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