Stolen Moments

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Hola lovely people!
As we all know, Corona is reaching deeper among the crowds in India, my request is to Maintain social distancing and Stay safe!

Now, let's read the new chapter!
And mind you, it's going to be a very light chapter.

Writer's pov

It is rightly said, the most of Magic can be found in little stolen moments.
And this is what exactly Atharva was determined to do when he stole Nimmi from everyone else.

Atharva was internally giggling as he got the chance he was so desperately looking for. He took Nimmi to his car followed by Advika and Sumer.

He opened door for nimmi and made her comfortable but smartly closed her door as he had plans to put in action.

Advika was about to open the back door when he spoke - Advi! Princess, don't you think your brother needs some privacy?

What? Bhai? Then how will I come? - she asked gasping

Um...Why don't you come with Sumer, here? He will anyways follow us in his car... So you should give him company! - he spoke sheepishly

Advika's mouth was like a fish and sumer who just heard the siblings, cursed under his breath.
Not because he was annoyed but he was restless.
Restless because all his attention was on Advika adorable little plump mouth, she looked damn cute with her pout that he wanted to kiss her senseless right there.

But he shook those feelings away as he didn't want to loose the golden opportunity.

Clearing his throat, he spoke - It's ok Advika!
Love makes people crazy!
Let them be!

And he opened the door for her and she huffedhuffed while adjusting her seat belt.

Don't you think, bhai has become a little too much of a lover boy?
I mean, look he ditched me, his princess? And I thought to help those two?
No one counts good deeds these days! - she fake hurt

Sumer chuckled at her and said - It's ok!
I am here to spoil you princess, no need to worry!

Did you say something? - she asked not believing what she heard

No! Let's follow Atharva's car! - Sumer bit his tongue

Nimmi was not satisfied with the Chunris so far, she kept looking for the right one.

She would once choose something but then the trio would not approve of it.

But finally something caught her eyes and she dropped her over her head and raised her eyebrows to know their opinion.
All three of them were in awe of Nimmi's beauty. The Red Chunri she drapped this time, made her look so a Goddess of Fortune.

This is the One! - Atharva whispered

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This is the One! - Atharva whispered

Enough loud to be heard and nimmi blushed!

Advika and Sumer both whistled at her playfully and the Odhni was finalised.

Atharva took Nimmi with him to buy her a present or rather spend some lone time with her and both Advika and Sumer obeliged.

They let them be.

And Atharva held Nimmi's hand and led her to one of the jewelers.

Sumer and Advika began to roam around the mall. Unknown to Advika, Sumer was stealing glances at her and he badly wanted to hold her hands but he refrained.

So? - he asked grabbing her attention

So, what? - she questioned back

What do you want to do while those lovebirds romance with each other? - Sumer asked smiling

May be I would like to eat my lunch? - she kind of questioned again

Perfect! Even I am starving!
I didn't know how would you react if a said so.! - Sumer rubbed his neck

Hey! Don't be so formal Sumer! - she teased

Let's get some amazingly awesome meals! - Sumer squeaked z

They both went to the food court and They ordered some Chinese.

They ate their meals like hungry whales and Sumer could not help but chuckle at the careless way Advika was relishing her munchurian balls.

Advika glared at him and raised her one eyebrow.

He spoke - Well, I am glad you are a fooddie like me. And Thank God you are not like those girls who would not eat junk as they have to maintain a zero size figure.

Nah! Never been this formal with Food! - Advika giggled munching on her Chinese

There was a friendly aura around them and sumer decided to take his chances.

So, are you seeing someone? - He asked

Me? Noooo!
I am a one man woman!
I will only love someone when I think he is the one! - advika replied dreamingly

And Sumer blushed at her thoughts which were exactky like his. He also believed in only on love.

But why do you ask mister? - she narrowed her eyes

But Sumer just shrugged his shoulder, he was enjoying her company, walking side by side with her.

Suddenly their fingers grazed and they both looked at each other with nervousness.

I... I... We should go now!
Bhai and Bhabs must be waiting! We must hed bck to the temple! - Advika quickly spoke

And before sumer could say a word she started to walk ahead.

He cursed under his breath and followed her in a fast pace.

They saw Atharva, leaned on to Nimmi's forehead and giving her a tender kiss.

Both Advika and Sumer scrunched their noses and spoke - Enough of your PDA!

Have you forgotten, we have to head back to temple as well.

Nimmi pushed Atharva a little startled but he pulled her close and spoke -

As much as I want to spend some more time with my beautiful Fiance, You two are right. So, better get in your car and we will follow.

You are becoming shameless day by day Brother! - Sumer commented and drove off

But he will always remember this day as he got to spend his time with his Precious lady, Advika!

Upon reaching the temple, all the elders welcomed them with glares.

They took way to much time to choose an  Odhani.

But finally, looking at their happy kids they completed all the remaining rituals.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
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