Dinner to Decision II

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At Joshi's

Sumer led Atharva to the rest room while they chatted on the way.

They Both formed a friendly bond may be coz they both found a lost friend in themselves.

Atharva later joined the Joshis on the dinning table. He was made to sit in front of Namrata by Pari, who gave her a glare. But she just shrugged and laughed it off.

The Singhanias praised the delicacies and chatted whole heartedly.

Atharva was stealing glances of Namrata from the corner of his eyes. But not once he found Namrata looking at him.
Pari wishpered, Bhaiya do not worry you have a life time to look at Bhabhi. And she giggled, unaware of a pair of eyes watching her.

Atharva just gave her a bored look and busied himself in his plate.

Now, it was time for the desserts.
A fresh aroma of Belgium chocolate hit his nostrils and he looked here and there for its source.

Here comes the world's best Brownies made by none other than our own The Namrata Joshi. Announced Sumer

And for a second Atharva's eyes met with Namrata's. But she quickly averted and looked down.

Atharva took the brownies and ate it all in a go. Pari just laughed and said look Bhabhi, bhaiya can not even wait for others to eat their desserts.

To this, Sumer said - Told you it's the best in whole world.

Both Atharva and Namrata gave an embarrassed look.

Soon, Dinner was finished and all of them shifted to the sofas in the garden.

The senior Singhanias said- We really liked your hospitality Mr. Joshi, but we should give the kids a little alone time.
Afterall, their happiness and willingness is what matters the most.

Mrs. Joshi asked Namrata- Beta, why don't you two go to the terrace on the first floor and talk a little.
We will be sitting here itself.
If you like, take Sumer and Pari along.

Namrata nodded at her mom's and moved towards the terrace and all the other three followed her. Atharva was just behind her, while Sumer and Pari were following slowly.

Sumer said- Hey! We did not get the chance to introduce ourselves. I am Sumer, Nimmi's cousin and her only boy-friend.

Pari smiled and said nice to meet you Sumer. I am Advika, Bhaiya's little princess.

They reached the terrace but Sumer had some other plans. Looking at the silent Nimmi and Atharva, he asked pari to act a little with him to which she agreed.

Pari said- Bhaiya, look I forgot my phone downstairs. I will just grab it and come, I am expecting an important email from College.

Atharva said- But ...how will you look for it here, you don't even know the place. Wait....umm....I will come with you.

Sumer said- Oh! Don't worry Atharva! I am here, I will take her downstairs. We will look for it. Till then You guys talk and we will be back soon.

With that, they both hurriedly went leaving Namrata and Atharva alone.

Silence prevailed.... Namrata hold the railing and looked at the setting Sun.

Atharva hesitantly went near her and cleared his throat.

Ummm....Hi! He said

But no response....he let out a breath and looked ahead nothing in particular thinking.

His thoughts were interrupted with a melodious greet.

Hello! Says Namrata slowly.

Atharva smiled and looked at her who is nervously looking at her hands.

She is so cute!!! Hun!!!! Atharva get a grip!!! Talk to her!

Atharva looked at Namrata and said- Namrata, right! You must be knowing why we are here. Look, I know now a days, arranged marriage is considered very old fashioned. But I have never been judgemental about it. To tell you the truth, I did not even think much about this concept before coming here. I am a family person who has been raised with good moral values and indian culture. I have never had that much of a luck to see my parents in love but I have seen my "Chachu and Chhoti maa" as a perfect example of perfect couple. But I am afraid if I can prove to be a good caring life partner. I have never been in a relationship and perhaps I do not know what I am looking for in my life partner. But that's my opinion and I want to know yours. How do you feel about this proposal? I have been watching you, you don't look quite convinced with this alliance. Please don't hesitate, You can share your views with me and I promise I won't judge you.

Namrata thought for a while and said- Atharva, I have always believed in my parents. They know the best for me.
She paused for a while and began...But about this proposal, I am not very sure, how should I take it! I want to be honest with you coz you seem to be a nice person.
I have had a very bad experience in relationship in the past. And this resulted me to turn sour. I don't know if I have the kind of devotion, that marriage needs.
I don't want to be unfair to anyone. I am not over with the heart break and trust me I really want to move on. But it's harder than I thought.
I also know my parent's excitement about this proposal. They think we are best for each other. But looking at you, I believe you deserve someone better who can accept you whole heartedly.
Atharva, you really seem to be a nice person but I am sorry I don't have it in me anymore to start a new relationship.
You don't need to be tied down with someone who is not as pure as you.

You can reject the proposal and I will convince my parents.
With this she hung her head down, playing with her duppatta.

Atharva thought for a while, took in all her words...and said- I like your honest straight forward nature. Even I am a no-nonsense kind of person. After listening to you, I would suggest you to think wisely. And as your past is concerned, I am ok with it as far as you are up for a new start leaving behind the past. I do not want to force you into this but do sleep over it. You don't need to give your answer right away, take your time and if you wish, we can meet some more, in a different ambiance.
There is no rush. I can handle the situation at my place, you don't need to worry about it. I really wish you get what you are looking for.

There was Silence again between these two confused soul. Both standing together on the railing looking at the dark sky.

Their awkward silence is broken by Pari and Sumer.
They came to the terrace and gave both of them a teasing look to which Atharva rolled his eyes.

And then, four of them came to the living room where all the people were sitting.

Looking at a serious Atharva and a nervous Namrata, Neeta did not want to ask about his opinion about Namrata, immediately. She looked at and gave her an assuring look. She asked for their leave now. It's getting late and we will talk through phone over it. She said.

The Singhanias led towards the parking. Atharva looked at Namrata one last time. Sumer noticed his changed look and sighed.
They bid their goodbyes.

And soon they were out of Joshi villa.

Atharva was feeling restless for some unknown reasons and Namrata was no less. They both were confused about this new feeling that was unknowingly connecting them together. None of them were able to decide what to do next.
While in another car, the Singhanias were hopeful that something positive will happen in their lives. Whereas the Joshis also wished for the best for their princess.

Only time will tell, how these two broken soul would be healed.

So guys! Hope you all are fine and enjoying my story.
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I shall see you guys with a new update soon.
See ya!!!

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