The Night Of Reception

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Hola peeps!

Another quick mushy update, a little warning for its mature content.
Kindly ignore if you are not comfortable.
After this Epilogue and may be one bonus chapter.
Hopefully your journey of this story has been entertaining.

Writers pov

It has been one week, Atharva and Nimmi had been married and life was pacing on a normal track. Atharva was better now and today was their Reception planned out. Also, Pratik and Naina were getting engaged together.

Everyone seemed so cheerful and were happy for the couple.

Let's look into the lives of Atharva and Nimmi now.

The sun rose beautifully orange and it peeked through the glass window of Atharva and Nimmi's room.

The two lovers were snuggled together in a fluffy blanket.
Nimmi's head rested on Atharva's chest and he had locked her waist around his arms, without a care. Their hearts were beating in a rhythm creating melodious music.

It was nimmi who woke up first surrendering to the Sunrays, as soon as she opened her eyes, her heart fluttered to see herself in Atharva's arms.

It all felt like a dream but this was Real!

She smiled looking at a sleep-pouting Atharva and her fingers itched to touch his soft lips.
She caressed his face with her index finger and when her finger reached his Lips, Atharva sucked in her finger making her gasp.

You are Up! - she spoke

How I can sleep when my wife decides to touch me in the morning itself. - he replied sucking onto her finger

She playfully punched his chest and tried to get away but was pulled back to his chest again.

Where do you think you are going Golden locks? - he caressed her locks and husked

I need to use the washroom? - she rather sounded as if she was asking

Not before you give me my morning kiss! - Atharva tightened his hold on her

Nimmi smiled and kissed his cheeks and began to leave when he spoke -
What was That?

A kiss! - she replied

Then I think, I will have to teach you how to kiss your Husband! - Atharva smirked and pulled her in a soulful kiss

It was soft at first but soon, his desires took over and he deepened the kiss, Nimmi too responded well.
One thing lead to another and now Nimmi could feel his morning hard on muscle and Atharva made it more obvious by rubbing himself on her abdomen and she turned beetroot.

A... Atharva, we need to stop! You just recovered and besides, we have our Reception today.! - she panted

Both Atharva and Nimmi could not get involved in much physical intimacy these past days because of his conditions but now he was better and in other words, sexually frustrated. He wanted to feel the carnal pleasures with his wife and get drowned in love, he tried getting close to Nimmi but she politely everytime refused for the deed saying he needed to heal first.
So, now his desires were all piled up and his patience was running out. He wanted to make love to his wife but she just didn't agree.

Sometimes you are too cruel!
You know, it's been a week and what a fate I have wife is too inconsiderate....I have to take care of my needs in the cold shower all by myself! - he spoke faking hurt

You are such a drama! - nimmi rolled her eyes at his antics

You are not being Fair!
Look, I am fine and fit now!
And I want to make love to my wife! Is that too much to ask? - he whined

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