Heart Made of Glass

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Miyu's pov.

"Sasuke, we're going to be late." I shook my brothers shoulder, trying to wake him up. "Come on, Sasuke." I shook him harder. Finally, his eyes fluttered open, revealing onyx eyes identical to my own. "If you don't hurry and get ready we'll be late to the academy." I placed my hands on my hips, watching as the raven head sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked, throwing the blanket off and tossing his legs over the side of his bed. Checking the alarm clock, he sighed. "I'll be out in a minute." I nodded and left his room, going into the living room and slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Alright, I'm ready." I turned to my twin and nodded. We put on our shoes and headed out, Sasuke locking the door behind us and then taking my hand in his. He's only like this with me. To anyone else, he's a cold and heartless boy. Since that day, he's only open with me and even then its limited.

All the fan girls glared at me as they seen our intertwined hands. They think I'm his girlfriend. And its to much trouble to explain that I'm his sister. You would think that, they would realize that since I'm a female replica of him. But no, their just a bunch of crazy heads.

When we got to the academy we were the second to first ones there, as usual. The first person was Iruka-sensei. Again, as usual.

"Good morning, Sasuke, Miyu." Iruka-sensei greeted us. I nodded and Sasuke grunted. We sat down in our usual seats in the second row, closest to the window. I tend to watch what goes on outside instead of listening to the lessons. I mean, I've already heard them a million times.

I layed my head on Sasuke's shoulder, watching as other students piled in. Naruto was surprisingly on time today. Especially after yesterdays fiasco then I suppose it makes sense. From what I overheard, he painted all over the Hokage faces. Especially the Third Hokage's.

I don't understand why, but I suppose its because I don't know him very well. Sasuke keeps me very secluded when it comes to other people. He doesn't like them being around me more than they have to. Again, I don't fully understand, but what brother says, goes.

"Good morning, class. Today we will be taking the graduation exams. The rules will be explained when you enter the exam room." Iruka started. "First up, Sakura Haruno." A pink haired girl stood and followed Iruka-sensei into the exam room.


"Miyu Uchiha." I stood, and followed Iruka-sensei into the exam room. "Alright, Miyu, make at least two clones of yourself." I made the hand signs, and poof, out came two perfect clones of myself. "Great, you pass!" Iruka-sensei handed me a head band which I took, glared at Mizuki and turned to leave.

I met up with Sasuke outside after tyeing my head band around my neck. "Good, we both passed. Not that I doubted you." Sasuke smirked and I nodded a very small smile on my lips. "Why don't we go train for a little bit?" My eyes lit up and Sasuke seen it, his smirk widening.

"Let's go." I grabbed his hand and started running for the training grounds.

I dropped my bag on the ground and we both simultaneously got into a fighting stance. Sasuke started running at me, flashing above me and extended his leg, aiming a kick at my head. I grabbed his leg and swung him around before releasing him, sending him flying at a tree which he used to push back off and fall to the ground on his feet gracefully. I flashed behind him, kicking his legs from beneath him as he turned to face me.

Sasuke fell onto his back and I stood over him, arm at his neck, pinning him down.

"That was easy." I stated, getting off of my twin and helping him up. "I wonder what team we'll be on." I wondered aloud.

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